2014-02-10 10:00
HBO is looking far into the future.
With Game of Thrones Season 4 first set to premiere on April 6, the series has already given a promotion to Nathalie Emmanuel.
《权力的游戏》第四季将会在北京时间4月7日开播,不过在开播之前剧组就已经决定把Nathalie Emmanuel升级为常规演员了。
If When the network picks up this dramatic epic for a fifth season, the actress behind Missandei will be featured far more often.
This promotion comes on the heels of a similar boost for Michiel Huisman, who is taking over this spring as Daario Naharis, another key member of from Dany’s circle.
这次常规演员的提升是在提升剧中扮演Daario Naharis的演员Michiel Huisman之后,而他也是剧中龙母丹尼莉丝身边的重要人物。
What might this mean for Dany on Season 4? She'll likely survive... and end up on the throne?