
韦德·威廉姆斯在最近接受SpoilerTV采访时聊到了他扮演的狱警Brad Bellick的壮烈牺牲。韦德表示他知道这一刻迟早会到来,他甚至对于Brad能撑上这么长时间感到很意外!“我是说他不过就一季狱警罢了,可他们居然能让这个角色跑上三季半,这也忒酷了!”

Wade Williams spoke to SpoilerTV recently about the death of his character, Brad Bellick. Wade says he knew it was coming and he’s surprised that Bellick lasted as long as he did! “I mean he was the prison guard for a season and that they actually kept that character going for 3½ years is pretty cool.”


Wade says that he would have thought his character would have been done after the boys escaped from prison, but he’s grateful to have been a part of the series.

