2013-10-24 09:30
As if we needed another reason to love Norman Reedus (Daryl Dixon), the 44-year-old actor is on a mission to prove that he’s more than just a pretty face.
如果你还需要另一个爱Norman Reedus(弩哥)的理由,这位44岁男演员会告诉你,他有的绝对不仅仅是帅气的外形。
It’s clear that Norman is very artistic, and in addition to acting on The Walking Dead, he has a penchant for photography. In between appearing on the hit AMC show and posing with adorable animals, multi-talented Norman somehow found the time to release his very own book of photos.
The book is called The Sun’s Coming Up… Like a Big Bald Head: Photo Book, and is already available for pre-order, though it won’t be released until Halloween (October 31).
这本书的名字叫做《The Sun’s Coming Up… Like a Big Bald Head: Photo Book》,这本书已经开始接受预定,将会在万圣节后正式发布。