2013-10-11 09:59
Season four of The Walking Dead premieres Sunday on AMC. The zombies are coming!
Spoiler Alert!
In just the first two episodes alone, there are three deaths (including love interests and friends). Executive producer Robert Kirkman (who wrote the graphic novels) explains that it never gets any easier killing off characters. "There's a real camaraderie between the cast and you know, these people are in Georgia seven, eight months out of the year together, and they become very close. So, you know, knowing that these actors are kind of losing friendships. We're kind of breaking up a family. It's really heartbreaking, but we still do it."
仅仅在《行尸走肉》第四季的头两集中,就会有3个人死掉(包括某些人的爱人和朋友)。《行尸走肉》执行制片人Robert Kirkman说,杀掉任何一个角色对他们来说都是艰难的决定。“剧组中演员之间已经建立起深厚的友谊,他们每年都有7、8个月是一起呆在乔治亚州拍这部剧,他们之间感情很好。所以说,任何角色的死亡,对他们来说可能就是友谊的丧失。我们有点像是一点一点慢慢拆散一个家庭,每离开一个人都非常令人伤心,可是我们却不得不这么做。”