2013-06-18 10:00
《权力的游戏》实力排行榜之第二梯队的潜力股 :
Roose Bolton (Last Episode:5) Lord Bolton's tenure on the Power Rankings was brief. True, we found out this episode that Lord Tywin plans to make him Acting Warden of the North, allowing him to sit in Winterfell until Tyrion and Sansa's son (if any) comes of age. But we also got confirmation of our hunch that Tywin, not Roose or Walder, was the prime mover of the slaughter. More crucially, we finally learned that Theon's psychotic torturer was none other than Ramsay Snow, Roose Bolton's bastard son. That means that House Bolton holds Theon, an important bargaining chip, but it also means that Yara Greyjoy is going after them. Plus, with Stannis planning on riding toward the North, Roose could soon have a serious challenge to his wardenship.
波顿大人在权力榜单上是一枚新人。第十集中,泰温表示要任命波顿为北境守护代理,直到提利昂和珊莎的儿子成年(如果他们有儿子的话)。虽然剧中红色婚礼的主使是泰温,但卢斯和他的私生子拉姆斯那种残忍和变态是一脉相承的——拉姆斯就是虐待席恩的变态。 一方面,波顿家族现在手握席恩这个重要人质,并将得到北境的管辖权;另一方面,雅拉·葛雷乔伊将对其开战以救出席恩,史坦尼斯也将率军北上。卢斯·波顿面临着很大机遇,也面临着很大的挑战。
Yara Greyjoy Yara and her father Balon get a profanity-laced letter from sicko Ramsay Snow -- explaining that he has been torturing Theon for months. Snow also sends King Greyjoy the gift of his son's genitalia, which must surely be an elaborate "dick in a box" joke by showrunners Daniel Benioff and D.B. Weiss. Balon renounces Theon, but learning about the mutilation has the opposite effect on Yara. She decides to lead 50 of her strongest men in the fastest ship she owns all the way around Westeros, up the Narrow Sea and into the Dreadfort to take her brother back. Strong lady!
雅拉与父亲贝隆(Balon)收到了拉姆斯·雪诺措辞猥琐的信,信中揭露席恩被他虐待数月的事实。随信附赠的还有席恩的生殖器。贝隆对席恩的遭遇不管不顾,但雅拉却不忍心看到弟弟受苦。她决定率50个最强壮的士兵,乘坐最快的船只北上前往波顿家族的恐怖堡(Dreadfort),救出弟弟。 这位铁群岛的公主非常坚强果敢,既能统领军队,又有其他人所缺少的道德感和正义感,有着成为铁群岛之王的实力。
Arya Stark While riding a horse away from the Twins with The Hound, Arya sees her brother's direwolf's head sown onto his body -- a gruesome thing for even a tough girl like her to witness. Later, when she overhears some Bolton goons bragging about their role in the slaughter, she gets her revenge. She tricks one of them into letting down his guard, then stabs him repeatedly in the back. Sandor Clegane kills the rest, then asks her to give him a heads up next time she wants to go postal. She then strokes her precious Faceless Man coin and whispers "Valar Morghulis," so it's pretty clear to everyone that there will be a next time. The Starks may get their revenge after all.
与桑铎·克里冈逃出孪河城(Twins)时,艾莉亚目睹他哥哥的身体与冰原狼头缝在一起。就算她是个坚强的女孩,目击这种镜头也难免受到打击。晚些时候,当她遇到几个吹嘘屠杀战功的波顿家士兵时,她设计让其中一个放下戒备,然而在其后背连捅数刀。桑铎杀掉了其他几个士兵,并警告艾莉亚下次杀人先跟他打声招呼。 艾莉亚捡起她宝贵的无面者硬币,悄声说:“凡人皆有一死”(Valar Morghulis),这暗示着艾莉亚今后将继续杀戮。照她这个势头来看,也许史塔克家族终将报仇雪恨。
Bran Stark At the Nightfort, Bran tells his travel companions the spooky story of the Rat King, whom the gods punished for violating the Guest Right, which primes them all to be freaked out when they hear a rasping sound in the middle of the night. But it's just Samwell Tarly, wheezing as he climbs up out of the sally port beneath The Wall! He recognizes Bran by his direwolf, and promises to help him however he can. Bran rejects his offer of safe harbor at Castle Black, though, explaining that he needs to go north of The Wall to protect Westeros from the Others. Apparently, he's the only one who can! Sam gives him a couple obsidian blades to help, then points the way north for Bran, the Reeds and sweet, sweet Hodor.
在长夜堡,布兰向同行众人讲了一个名叫“鼠厨师”的诡异故事,暗示违反宾客权利的人终将受到神的惩罚。 在山姆威尔的帮助下,布兰一行人随身携带山姆赠与的龙晶匕首,通过暗道前往长城以北。作为法力日渐强大的易形者,也许他是维斯特洛唯一一个能阻止异鬼南侵的人。
Samwell Tarly After showing Bran et al. the way north of The Wall, Sam travels east to Castle Black, where he bashfully tries to explain his boo Gilly to Maester Aemon. He's dubious, but Sam manages to finagle a guest spot for her. Then Maester Aemon asks him to write letters to every major lord in Westeros, asking for help in the fight against the Others.
山姆带着吉莉回到黑城堡,说服伊蒙学士(Maester Aemon)留下吉莉做客。接着他又帮伊蒙学士写信给维斯特洛每一位地位显赫的领主,请他们出兵支援,抵御异鬼入侵。 虽然武力不高,谋略也并不出众,但山姆对书本知识的摄取与运用能力很可能在将来派上用场。作为唯一一个杀死异鬼的人,他的经验对守夜人队伍来说也十分宝贵。
Jon Snow Jon encounters his Wildling boo at a stream somewhere on the path to Castle Black. As she aims her bow and arrow at him, he tells her he loves her and says there's no way she'll hurt him -- not realizing that his betrayal already hurt her more than he knew. She shoots him three times before he escapes, but apparently, that's not enough to kill him, as he manages to ride all the way to Castle Black. With three arrows sticking out of his body!
在逃回黑城堡的路上,琼恩与他的自由民女友相遇了。虽然他倾诉了爱意与无奈,却没想到她会射箭伤害他。琼恩没有意识到,他的背叛已深深伤到耶哥蕊特。 虽然身中三箭,琼恩仍支撑着回到守夜人的城堡。康复后的他也许将在守夜人队伍里起到更大的作用。
Cersei Lannister Caught between her spoiled vicious brat of a son and her tyrant of a father, Cersei isn't a very happy lady. But she tells Tyrion that she would have been even more unhappy had it not been for her children -- the sole source of joy in her life. Even Joff.
一边是冷血而权倾朝野的父亲,一边是任性又残暴的国王儿子,瑟曦过得并不快乐。但她告诉提利昂,如果没有她的孩子们,她连活下去的力气都没有。 尽管瑟曦现在没有实权,但作为维斯特洛权势最大的兰尼斯特家族的一员,作为皇太后,作为御林铁卫队长的孪生姐姐兼情人,作为提利尔家族的准儿媳,瑟曦有参与权力游戏的砝码。
Brienne of Tarth & Jaime Lannister These two friends finally make it back to King's Landing. Their odyssey is over! But Jaime's handlessness makes it harder for Cersei to welcome him home than he expected. You can never go home again, not quite.