2013-06-17 11:00
1. Tywin Lannister (Last Episode: 1) Without fighting a single battle, Tywin managed to kill Robb Stark and quash the northern rebellion in one fell swoop. All it required was some carefully orchestrated treachery -- in this case, with the help of Walder Frey and Roose Bolton and the violation of Guest Right (which, of course, we see referenced in Bran's tale of the Rat Cook at Nightfort).
没费一兵一卒,泰温成功地借刀杀死北境之王罗柏(Robb),击垮了北境的叛乱。促成这一切只需要会演奏乐器的一队士兵、瓦德·佛雷(Walder Frey)和卢斯·波顿(Roose Bolton)的同谋相助,以及对宾客权利(Guest Right)的违反。
2. Daenerys Targaryen (Last Episode: 2) Mhysa! Mhysa! Mhysa!Daenerys caps this episode, in a brief, but important scene which establishes the primary difference between her and her opponents -- her subjects worship her. It's hard to imagine Joffrey, or Stannis, or even Robb (R.I.P.) surfing the mosh pit of former slaves quite so ecstatically as our dragon princess. And with her three pets only growing bigger, we expect there'll be more people out there calling her "mother" before this game is done.
弥莎!弥莎!弥莎!丹妮莉丝在第三季第十集中风头无二。但最关键的是,她和其他权力玩家有一个很大的区别:她的臣民深深地敬仰着她。很难想象乔佛里、史坦尼斯甚至罗柏的子民会像刚刚被解放的奴隶们崇拜龙女那样崇拜他们。 丹妮的三只龙宠日益强大。可以预测的是,称呼她为“母亲”的人会越来越多。
3. Margaery & Olenna Tyrell (Last Episode: 3) No Margaery and Olenna in this episode, but as we've heard, the wedding's still a go.
玛格丽·提利尔(Margaery Tyrell)和“荆棘女王”奥莲娜(Olenna)都没有出现在季终集里。即将举行的皇家婚礼将使提利尔家族与最有实力的兰尼斯特们结为盟友,实力大大增强。
4. Joffrey Baratheon (Last Episode: 4) Joffrey's idea of being king is having the power to serve his aunt-in-law the head of her dead brother on a plate. But, as we saw in this episode, he doesn't really even have the power to do that, nor any say in the actual running of the kingdom. As his grandfather Tywin put it to Tyrion, "You're a fool if you think he's the most powerful man in Westeros." But his is the head that wears the crown, no matter how many people wish he were dead.
乔佛里认为,当国王就是可以在婚宴上折磨“舅妈”珊莎,把其兄长罗柏的头拿来给她看。实际上他无权做这种荒唐事,在治理国家的问题上更没有话语权。正如泰温对提利昂所说的:“如果你认为乔佛里是维斯特洛最有权势的人,那你就是个蠢材。” 尽管有很多人恨不得让乔佛里死,但毕竟他是那个脑袋上戴着王冠的人,至少在形式上拥有至高无上的权力。
5. Stannis Baratheon (Last Episode: -) Davos can read now! Though that pesky "ni-ght" is still getting him all bollixed up. Still, he puts his newfound ability to good use, rushing over to bring Stannis news of troubles at the Wall. Good thing, too: Davos has just put our favorite bastard, Gendry, on a little boat to King's Landing. Gendry isn't much of a sailor, but Davos' actions mean that Gendry's kingblood is no longer available to Melisandre.
戴佛斯爵士(Ser Davos)会认字了!虽然有些词语还是会让他头疼,但他充分利用了这项新的技能,及时将长城有难的信息传达给史坦尼斯。戴佛斯还放走了观众们第二喜欢的私生子詹德利(Gendry)(第一当然是琼恩·雪诺),让他坐船去君临(King's Landing)。虽然詹德利并没有什么划船经验,但他离开后,梅丽珊卓就不能利用王血作法了。
Stannis sentences Davos to die, but Melisandre, of all people, stops him when she reads the letter. Stannis has to head to the real war in the North -- and he's going to need his Onion Knight. This unconventional decision, combined with the impact Melisandre's blood magic had on affairs in Westeros, propels the King in the Narrow Sea back into our Power Rankings for the first time since his disastrous defeat at the Battle of Blackwater.
史坦尼斯欲重罚戴佛斯,但一向与戴佛斯不睦的梅丽珊卓竟出言阻止,表示戴佛斯的参谋在接下来的战争中不可或缺。 自从第二季中史坦尼斯败于黑水河一役后,他的实力就不足以登上权力排行榜了。但如今形势突变,北上的决定令其处境不再尴尬,也使他回到权力排行榜的前五名。