2013-04-25 11:00
How will Game of Thrones follow the best episode of Season 3?
By passing judgment on a couple characters, according to the official synopsis for next Sunday's "Kissed by Fire," which will feature The Hound facing off with the gods and the King Slayer possibly being slayed for his past deeds.
也许我们能从下周《Kissed by Fire》的预告片中看出些端倪,猎狗将会对抗七神,而弑君者将会和过去永别。
Elsewhere, look for Jon Snow to face a crucial test; Robb to be betrayed; and Tyrion to discover the cost of weddings in King's Landing.
另外Jon Snow将会面临严峻考验;Robb会被背叛;而Tyrion为君临即将登场的婚礼花费找到了来钱的方法。