2013-04-04 15:13
"The Walking Dead" continues to beef up its ensemble for Season 4, promoting recurring actors Chad L. Coleman (Tyreese), Sonequa Martin-Green (Sasha) and Emily Kinney (Beth) to full-time regulars and adding Melissa Ponzio (Woodbury massacre survivor Karen) to its roster of recurring players.
《行尸走肉》第四季继续加人,扮演Tyresse的Chad L. Coleman和扮演Sasha的Martin-Green以及扮演Beth的Emily Kinney和Woodbury从总督手里活命的Karen扮演者Melissa Ponzio都被升级为常规演员,他们扮演的角色将会粗线在第四季中。
AMC's smash hit already confirmed the return of David Morrissey (The Governor) in Season 4.
另外这部AMC热播剧早前宣布David Morrissey(总督扮演者)也将回归第四季。
Interestingly, the promotions for Coleman, Martin-Green and Kinney to full-time status appear to leave out recurring co-stars Melissa McBride (Carol) -- who has been with the show since Season 1 -- and Scott Wilson (Hershel) -- who arrived with Kinney and current full-timer Lauren Cohan (Maggie) in Season 2. But whether or not that means their characters are more likely to wind up walker-bait in Season 4 is hard to say. Nothing seems guaranteed on "The Walking Dead," even for the actors appearing in the opening credits.
有意思的是,这次Coleman、Martin-Green和Kinney被升级为该剧全职常规演员之后,在第一季就已经出现的Carol扮演者Melissa Mcbride却仍然是循环客串演员的身份。而在第二季中和Kinney和Lauren Cohan(Maggie扮演者)一起出现的Scott Wilson(Hershel扮演者)也没有出现在这个名单中。这是不是意味着这两个角色第四季有可能会死?不过这也很难说。在《行尸走肉》里没有什么是绝对的,即使是在片头中出现的主角也无法保证他们的命运。