1 吸血鬼日记


Gossip Girl is an American teen drama television series based on the book series of the same name written by Cecily von Ziegesar. The series was created by Josh Schwartz and Stephanie Savage, and premiered on The CW on September 19, 2007. Narrated by the omniscient blogger "Gossip Girl", voiced by Kristen Bell, the series revolves around the lives of privileged young adults on Manhattan's Upper East Side in New York City.

《绯闻女孩》是由Cecily von Ziegesar所写的系列小说改编的美国青春偶像剧,所讲述是曼哈顿的上流社会阶层,展示的是富家子弟的生活。而其中的Gossip Girl是曼哈顿上东区最神秘的人物,她是了解上流贵族巨细无遗的生活的唯一来源,且拥有一众随时随地为她提供八卦消息的公子哥千金女。

2 凯莉日记

① 在美剧大军冬歇归来的时候,将会由这部剧来代替《绯闻女孩》周二晚的播放档期,把这部剧放在《绯闻女孩》之后,而这还是一部如假包换、实打实的青春剧,CW想把它培养成《绯闻女孩》接班人的用意很明显啦~
② 这部剧和其他新剧不一样,人家可是有底子打在那的!这部《凯莉日记》打出来的旗号就是曾经风靡一时的美剧《欲望都市》前传,讲述《欲望都市》女主角凯莉年轻时候的故事...以《欲望都市》里换男人的速度...这剧可以预测到情感绝对非一般的纠葛...

The Carrie Diaries is an upcoming American television teen drama. It is a prequel to the HBO television series Sex and the City and based on the book of the same name by Candace Bushnell. The show focuses on Carrie Bradshaw during her senior year of high school during the early 1980s and part of her life in New York working as a writer. On May 11, 2012, the pilot was picked up by The CW to series and will air on January 14, 2013.
该剧是《欲望都市》(Sex and the City)的正统前传,故事描述《欲望都市》主人公之一Carrie Bradshaw(安娜索菲亚·罗伯)的高中岁月(上世纪八十年代)——爱情、性、友情、亲情、高中学习和曼哈顿的交际场是她生活的全部。

3 美少女的谎言


Pretty Little Liars is an American teen drama mystery-thriller television series loosely based on the popular series of novels written by Sara Shepard. The show premiered on June 8, 2010 on ABC Family. After an initial order of 10 episodes on June 28, 2010, ABC Family ordered an additional 12 episodes for season one. These episodes began airing on January 3 and ended on March 21, 2011. The ratings success of the first 10 episodes prompted the book series to be extended beyond the initial eight novels. On November 29, 2011 ABC Family renewed the series for a third season, consisting of 24 episodes (still airing). The third season premiered on June 5, 2012.
《美少女的谎言》,美国电视剧,该剧是根据女作家Sara Shepard同名少女小说改编的一部青春偶像电视剧

4 秘社


The Secret Circle is an American supernatural teen drama based on the book series of the same name written by L. J. Smith.[1] Set in the fictional town of Chance Harbor, Washington, the series focuses on Cassie Blake (Britt Robertson) who, after moving to Chance Harbor, discovers that she is a hereditary witch and soon after joins a secret coven of five others. The series was developed by Andrew Miller and was picked up on May 17, 2011 by The CW Television Network.[2] On October 12, 2011, The CW ordered a full first season of the series, of 22 episodes.
Cassie Blake(Britt Robertson扮演)是一个快乐、普通的少女--直到她母亲Amelia突然死于一场火灾。成为孤儿的Cassie心情低落,无处容身,只好搬回母亲的家乡--华盛顿郊区一个叫命运港的小镇--与慈祥和蔼的外祖母Jane(Ashley Crow扮演)共同生活。Cassie的母亲多年前离开这里后再也没有回来过,但奇怪的是,镇上的人对Cassie了解颇多--甚至比她自己还要了解她。


5 设计人生


Jane by Design is an American comedy-drama television series on ABC Family. The series follows the life of Jane Quimby (Erica Dasher), a teenager who had to be mistaken for an adult to finally get her fashion dream job and work with a world-famous designer, Gray Chandler Murray (Andie MacDowell). She is now juggling between two secret lives: one in high school, and one in high fashion. The network green-lighted the series in April 2011.
从2012年1月3日起在ABC家庭频道播出。该剧是ABC家庭频道继《心机少女》(Pretty Little Liars)和《错位青春》 (Switched at Birth)两部大热的青春剧之后,全新带来的一部集合了青春、校园、时尚、喜剧等元素的新剧。