Q: What one of the following is correct?

A: The man and woman are quarrelling for some family problems.

B: The man saw the woman in nude accidently.

C: The man collided with the woman by accident. 

D: The man just wanted to tell the woman one thing.

解析: B
因此,A不正确,因为这和family无关;B正确;C不正确,没有碰撞;D不正确,one thing是指后面的善意提醒。


Rachel: That is IT! You just barge in here, you don't knock

Chandler: I'm sorry!

Rachel: You have no respect for anybody's privacy!

Chandler: Rachel, wait, wait.

Rachel: No, you wait! This is ridiculous!

Chandler: Can I just say one thing?

Rachel: What? What?!

Chandler: That's a relatively open weave and I can still see your... nipular areas.

Rachel: Oh!!

(She storms off)  
