With 22 nail-biting episodes in its first season, it’s hard to pick a favorite episode (or even five) of Revenge.
But as we wait for the August 21 release of the first season on DVD, let’s reflect back on our Top 5 favorite episodes from Revenge thus far.
沪江娱乐: 面对每一集都紧张刺激的《复仇》(Revenge)第一季,我们实在是很难选出最精彩的一集(或者五集)。
Our first introduction to Fauxmanda is sultry and violent. The Grayson’s hitman, Frank, goes on a quest to find the real Amanda Clarke and to clear his name. He finds a girl matching her description at a local strip club, but once he finds out that she’s not the real Amanda Clarke, things get messy.
He’s on the phone with Victoria, about to destroy Emily’s chance at revenge, when Fauxmanda hits him over the head with a shovel. That’ll teach him!
我们在一个充满了情色和暴力的场所第一次看到了假阿曼达。格雷森家的职业杀手弗兰克(Frank)为了证明自己的清白,开始寻找真正的阿曼达·克拉克(Amanda Clarke)。他在一家脱衣舞俱乐部里找到了一个符合阿曼达特征的女孩,然而弗兰克发现她不是真的阿曼达以后,事情就变得麻烦了。
This flashback episode gave us insight into the past of the Hamptons elite. It showed that Conrad’s always been willing to kill those in his way and gave us a peek at Victoria and David Clarke’s first encounter.
Plus: Jack with a mullet!
这一集让观众们了解了艾米莉这位汉普顿富家小姐的过去,也让观众们看到了康拉德(Conrad)总是心狠手辣地除掉每一个对他作对的人。同时我们还得以一窥维多利亚与大卫·克拉克(David Clarke)的初次邂逅。
We always knew Tyler was bad news, but the crazed former friend of Daniel Grayson really comes unhinged at Danny Boy’s birthday party. He shows up pointing a gun at Emily Thorne’s head and threatening to take all of them down.
Luckily, Tyler’s brother gets there in time to stop him from doing any real damage, but don’t worry, he wasn't gone for long.
我们一直都知道泰勒(Tyler)是个危险分子,但没想到这位曾经和丹尼尔·格雷森(Daniel Grayson)称兄道弟,现已精神失常的疯子竟然真的毫无预警地出现在了丹尼尔的生日派对上,并且还一边用枪指着艾米莉·索恩(Emily Thorne)的头,一边威胁着要杀死所有人。
In probably the most anticipated episode of the season, we finally find out what happens at the Fire and Ice ball from the show’s pilot episode. And even though they “show us” what happens, we’re still left with a million questions.
Daniel’s not dead, but Tyler is and D-Unit’s covered in his blood. Victoria warns him not to say a word, but the truth does come out.
This season finale was filmed when the show’s creators still weren’t sure if it would be picked up for a second season. That’s apparent in how quickly everything goes awry. We leave the episode with Daniel and Emily broken up, Amanda pregnant, and three characters potentially dead.
We’d expected no less, Mike Kelley.