The Reeds are in!
has a list of new characters coming to HBO’s Game of Thrones in season three. Fans have been wondering which names from George R.R. Martin’s third Song of Ice and Fire novel A Storm of Swords will be introduced next year, especially since the lengthy book is being divided into two seasons. We recently spoke to showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss about some of the creative changes this year and next season’s plans. “[Jojen and Meera Reed] haven’t been written out,” Benioff says. “It’s important to point out that that we have the largest cast on television right now. We introduced dozens of new characters in season two. If you hurl 300 characters at an audience, the story collapses under the weight of too many faces, too many names, and too many subplots. We need to be just as mindful of the audience members who have never read the books as we are of the readers; the series will fail if we only appeal to those who already know the characters. So we try to be parsimonious about how many new roles we introduce to the story and when we introduce them.”
That said, get excited. Here’s who will appear in season three:
– Mance Rayder: We’ve heard about him all season. A former member of the Night’s Watch who became the “King
– Daario Naharis: A confident and seductive warrior.
– Jojen Reed; Meera Reed: A teenage brother and sister duo with special insights.
– Edmure Tully: A brash young member of the Tully family.
– Ser Brynden Tully (The Blackfish): Catelyn Stark’s uncle.
– Lady Selyse Florent: Stannis Baratheon’s wife.
– Shireen: Stannis’ daughter.
– Olenna Redwyne (The Queen of Thorns): Margaery Tyrell’s sharp-witted grandmother.
– Beric Dondarrion: A skilled knight who is the leader of the outlaw group Brotherhood Without Banners.
– Thoros of Myr: A red priest who follows the same religion as Melisandre.
– Tormund Giantsbane: A Wildling raider.
Now, if a Book 3 character is not listed here, does that mean they are not in season three? Apparently not. Because Benioff then added: “And a few others…holy hell that’s a lot of new faces.”
So readers, who would YOU cast in these roles?
沪江娱乐快讯:《娱乐周刊》网站给出了将在《权力的游戏》(Game of Thrones)第三季中亮相的新角色名单。
近日我们跟该剧主创大卫·贝尼奥夫(David Benioff)和丹·韦斯(dan weiss)一起谈论了这个问题,他们提出今年创作方面的一些变化还有下一季的拍摄计划。贝尼奥夫说道:“部分角色我们现在还没有写到,不过有一点很重要,我们目前拥有电视上最庞大的演员阵容。
曼斯·雷德 ( Mance Rayder ):这一季中我们多次听说过他。一位前守夜人后来变成了城外之王,如今是野人首领。
里奥·纳哈里斯(Daario Naharis):一个自信满满、魅力四射的勇士。
玖健·里德(Jojen Reed)和米拉·里德(Meera Reed):一对十多岁的兄妹俩,拥有特别的洞察力。
艾德慕·徒利(Edmure Tully):徒利家族中傲慢的年轻成员。
布林登·徒利爵士(Ser Brynden Tully):“黑鱼”,猫姨的叔叔。
赛丽丝·佛罗伦特夫人(Lady Selyse Florent):史坦尼斯·拜拉席恩公爵夫人
奥莲娜-雷德温(Olenna Redwyne):荆棘女王,玛格丽-提利尔(Margaery Tyrell)犀利聪慧的祖母。
贝里-唐德里恩(Beric Dondarrion):技术超群的骑士,领导一群没有标识的兄弟会组织成员法外行事。
密尔的索罗斯(Thoros of Myr):跟梅丽珊卓(Melisandre)有同样信仰的红衣教士。
巨人克星托蒙德(Tormund Giantsbane):一个野人侵袭者。