Sebastian Stan will be guest starring on an upcoming episode of ABC’s hit show Once Upon A Time, according to TV Guide.

The 28-year-old Captain America: The First Avenger actor’s ep will air in late March or early April, but details on the role have not yet been released.

Next up for Sebastian on the big screen is The Apparition, a horror flick about a supernatural experiment gone wrong! Look out for the film on August 24.

Once Upon a Time currently airs on Sundays at 8/7 pm EST on ABC. Be sure to keep your eyes peeled for Sebastian‘s episode!

在《童话镇》,等待《美国队长》男星塞巴斯蒂安·斯坦(Sebastian Stan)的,可是个极其富于挑战的角色。

我们之前曾经报道过,这位“Queen B”莉顿·梅斯特的前男友,将在ABC奇幻剧《童话镇》中客串一个重要角色,而这位角色我们也非常熟悉,那就是《爱丽丝梦游仙境》中的“疯帽匠”(Mad Hatter)!剧集执行制作人Edward Kitsis说:“在那一集,我们将挖掘“疯帽匠是如何变疯狂”的故事。”


斯坦出演的一集名为“Hat Trick-帽子戏法”,将于3月25日播出。