
The Woman In My Life (标题)
The Woman In My Life The woman in my life catches me when I've fallen and holds me like a baby when I'm hurt. No matter how high I climb she guides me safely back to earth. And she's there when I need her, my guardian angel. In the dark I can see her here by my side. The woman in my life says I'm the one she prayed for and all she's ever gonna need. But she's the one my heart was made for and that's the way it's always gonna be. Now I understand just why my dad is crazy about the woman in my life.
赐予我生命的女人 赐予我生命的女人在我跌到时把我扶稳, 在我受伤时帮我抚平伤痕. 无论我攀登得多高, 总能护我平安回返. 在我需要的时候她总会出现, 如同守护天使. 即使漆黑如夜我依然看见, 她的身影陪伴我身边. 赐予我生命的女人说我是天上所赐, 是她生命所需. 而她是我心之所寄, 物换星移, 始终不渝. 现在我终于明白我父亲如此着迷, 这赐予我生命的女人.