What is the message of this story? In the story, grass is the people around you, the beautiful blade of grass is the people that attract you and the grassy field is time. In looking for your soul mate, please don't always compare and hope that there will be a better one. By doing that, you'll waste your lifetime, cause remember "Time never goes back.
这则小故事想要告诉我们什么道理呢? 故事里面的草地就是你周围的人,美丽的草就是吸引你的人,而草地就是你一生拥有的时间。 在寻找人生伴侣的时候,请不要总是比较,希望将来会有更好的选择。如果这样做的话,你就会浪费一生的时间,因为请记住:时间一去不复返。