Global stock markets rebounded strongly yesterday after last week's historic sell-off as governments from Europe to Australia to the US intensified efforts to ease a financial crisis that threatened to throw the world into recession.


上面的报道中,rebound 就是return to a former condition,即我们所说的“反弹”,新闻报道中也会用rally这个词表示“反弹”之意,这两个词用作动词或名词都可以。例如:Asian stocks soar after US rally/rebound.(美国股市反弹带动亚洲股票蹿升。)

此外,短语bounce back也可以用来表示“反弹”的意思,这个短语才口语中经常用到,一般表示improve in health,get well“(身体)复原、恢复健康”等意思,用来形容股市,当然也可以表示“反弹”之意了,例如:Stocks bounce back from earlier losses. (股票大跌后反弹)。
