
1、第一句 including 及之后的内容写在括号里




animated movies

Angelina Jolie

Brad Pitt










Topic 4: Entertainment (including the movies, TV, the radio, and other leisure activities) All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Just escape reality for a couple of hours and watch a movie. For I'm into animated movies. I'm a movie buff. I enjoy movies with a fun plot. Suspense movies keep me on the edge of my seat. I prefer movies with great acting. In that movie, Angelina Jolie played the lead. And Brad Pitt played opposite of her. I like movies with a happy ending. Good movies are always thought-provoking. Against The plot of that movie was too far-fetched. comedy slap-stick I dislike gangster movies, because they are so violent. I hate movies with a predictable storyline. The soundtrack from that movie was just mediocre. I can't stand romantic movies because they are so corny. The special effects in that movie were not very impressive.
话题四:娱乐(含电影、电视、广播以及其他休闲活动) 光学习不玩耍,聪明小孩也变傻。 逃离现实几个小时去看场电影吧。 正方 我喜欢动画电影。 我是个电影迷。 我喜欢那些情节有趣的电影。 悬疑片让我高度紧张。 在那部电影中,安吉丽娜•朱莉饰演主角,布拉德•皮特和她演对手戏。 我喜欢结局美满的电影。 好的电影总是引人深思的。 反方 那部电影的情节太牵强了。 喜剧 滑稽剧/闹剧 我不喜欢警匪片,因为它们太暴力了。 我讨厌那些看了开头就知道结尾的电影。 那部电影里的配乐只能说是一般。 我无法忍受爱情片,因为它们实在太没创意了。 那部电影的特效并非让人印象深刻。