Hints: 本期学习的字源:val,vail=strong, worth 强,价值 GRE GMAT isosceles 7-ELEVEN 单词不需要大写,单词与例句或不同词条之间换行即可。 注解中详细介绍了单词的拆分与释义,是学习字源分析的重中之重!一定记得听写后来看注解!
evaluate Graduate institutes in the U.S. rely on the GRE and the GMAT to evaluate the aptitude of applying candidates. equivalent An isosceles triangle has two sides of equivalent length. invalid The argument is invalid because it is based on faulty premises. invaluable Your help was invaluable. I couldn't have succeeded without it. prevalent The use of marijuana is prevalent on American campuses. avail The accused pleaded long and hard with the judge, but to no avail. available The student works part time at 7-ELEVEN and uses every available moment to study. prevail The entrepreneur prevailed against great odds and made his company a success.
Graduate institutes in the U.S. rely on the GRE and the GMAT to evaluate the aptitude of applying candidates. 美国的研究所以GRE和GMAT来评估申请人的才能。 An isosceles triangle has two sides of equivalent length. 等腰三角形有相等长度的两边。 The argument is invalid because it is based on faulty premises. 这个论证不成立是因为它建立在错误的前提上。 Your help was invaluable. I couldn't have succeeded without it. 你当时的帮助太宝贵的。没有你的帮忙我绝不会成功。 The use of marijuana is prevalent on American campuses. 大麻的使用在美国各大学校园十分流行。 The accused pleaded long and hard with the judge, but to no avail. 被告拼命向法官求情求了很久,但没有用。 The student works part time at 7-ELEVEN and uses every available moment to study. 这学生在7-ELEVEN 工读,一有可利用的时间就读书。 The entrepreneur prevailed against great odds and made his company a success. 这位企业家克服极大的劣势,把公司经营地十分成功。