
【Question 1】:

Do you think people need festivals?

分析:建议考生回答“是”。The answer is probably yes.

然后给出理由。Tell why it is so by giving some specific reasons.

【回答】: Absolutely. For one thing, people need to take some time off their normal duties and relax. There is always a holiday atmosphere during these times and that’s important. Also it gives an opportunity for people to socialize. And it’s a time for get together. Family reunion, in my opinion, is one of the most charming and exciting things about festivals. It strengthens family bonds.

【Question 2】:

Are there any traditional skills in your country?

思路拓展:考生可以考虑:What are they?

Do you think people try to learn these skills?

【回答】: Well, yes. We have all kinds of skills such as woodcarving(木雕), sculpturing(雕塑), paper cutting(剪纸), sewing(缝纫) and knitting(编织), cooking local food and so on. But less and less people nowadays are showing interest in traditional skills. I think the reason is that modern science and technology is developing with a faster pace than ever before. So many high-tech products and devices are available for modern consumers that they tend to think science and technology is what life is all about, and they tend to care less and less about the humanities, histories and traditions.

分析:由于传统技术本身就是一种文化遗产(cultural heritage),因此技术其实是对传统的一种继承形式。由于现代科技的发展速度过快,导致人们产生“重科技、轻人文”的思维倾向;很显然,该回答把人们不欣赏传统技术的原因归结为“科技发展 VS 人文传统”的两元对立。于是,在我们阐述原因的同时,就很巧妙地把隐藏在深处的humanities, histories and traditions推到了台前,显示出讲话者的人文关怀。而在谈到年轻人不再关心传统技术的时候,也折射出对于传统文化渐渐式微的一种忧虑之心。