这对夫妇自宣布退出皇室高层以来,先后经历了爆料式合作传记《寻找自由》(Finding Freedom)出书风波,又有消息称他们和Netflix签署可能价值1.5亿美元的协议,靠拍片能大赚一笔之后……
Rumors abound that Meghan could run for president in 2024.
One of the reasons she was so keen not to give up her American citizenship was so she had the option to go intopolitics,” said a close friend of the royal. “I think if Meghan and Harry ever gave up their titles she would seriously consider running for president.”
Meghan has been particularly active ahead of this presidential election, cold-calling voters with Gloria Steinem and addressing the When All Women Vote Couch Party, an online event hosted by the nonprofit cofounded by Michelle Obama.
I know what it’s like to have a voice, and also what it’s like to feel voiceless,” she said. “I also know that so many men and women have put their lives on the line for us to be heard. And that opportunity, that fundamental right, is in our ability to exercise our right to vote and to make all of our voices heard.”
"To come back and to just see this state of affairs, I think at the onset, if I'm being honest, it was just devastating. It was so sad to see where our country was in that moment,"she said.
"From my standpoint, it's not new to see this undercurrent of racism and certainly unconscious bias, but I think to see the changes that are being made right now is really — it's something I look forward to being a part of," she said.
对于梅根要参选的消息反应,当然是一石激起千层浪。梅根自传写手Omid Scobie表示:
“She has her eyes set on the ency. Meghan is the embodiment of the American dream. One day we may see Meghan become president.”
但Andrew Morton(《梅根:好莱坞公主》Meghan: A Hollywood Princess的作者)则认为梅根的“脸皮还没厚到可以胜任总统这一角色”(not thick-skinned enough for the role):
“I would state categorically that she has no chance of ever running for president. She would be eaten alive.”
“I'm not a fan of hers," Trump said Wednesday to a question posed by . "I would say this - and she has probably heard that - I wish a lot of luck to Harry because he's going to need it.”