Section 1
Section One |
场景 |
题型 |
一位男士咨询烹饪课程,咨询询问了一些个人信息 |
填空+匹配 |
A. Thai Cookery 泰国菜
B. Italian cookery 意大利菜
C. French cookery 法国菜
D. All three 全部
1. Full registration for – B
2. Available in the evening – D
3. For beginners - A
4. Have a discount – C
5. Tutor from the same country – C
(The man would choose the teacher from Britain who has the same nationality with him. French cuisine teacher is from France while Italian and Thai cuisine teachers seems to be from Britain)
6. His name: Furness
7. Date: 16 October 1987
8. Address: River Avenue
9. How to contact: leave a message
10. Pay by cash
(not credit card, just ask if there is any discount by credit card)
Section 2
Section Two |
场景 |
题型 |
学校课外活动 |
单选+匹配 |
11-14)Multiple Choice
11. A (招新教练的原因是interests has grown up)
12. B (parents需具备的能力:让学生enthusiastic)
13. A (parents要做的事情:参加upcoming events)
14. A (如何获得uniform:需要deposit)
15-20)Map Matching
15. C
16. I
17. F
18. H
19. G
20. D
Section 3
Section Three |
场景 |
题型 |
介绍两个学生在讨论对于鲸鱼调查的相关细节,以及如何填写观察到的鲸鱼的特征。 |
单选+填空+匹配 |
21. watch time
22. the state of sea: calm or choppy
23. and the state of weather
24. visibility: 100 meters
25. then talked details: the presence of fishing boats
26-27)Multiple Choices
appearance and 26)behaviour 27)group size
28-30) Matching
28. Northern right whale-C. 没有fins
29. Sperm whale-B. and with wavy fins on the back
30. Mink whale-A. with hump back fins which are wavy; size only a quarter of that of blue whale
Section 4
Section Four |
场景 |
题型 |
盐的历史 |
填空题 |
31. Salt is essential for human’s health. (盐对人的健康很重要)
32. Original for English word ‘salary’ derived from the Latin word used to described the payment made to Roman soldiers… (英语单词“salary来自拉丁语,用来表示向罗马士兵支付的薪资”)
33. Animals are fed in the local forests during the summer (在夏季,动物在当地森林中饲养)
34. the fresh meat is available in October only (新鲜肉只在十月供应)
35. Record (1573) has been used widely: we can tell from the diet of king of Sweden. (从瑞典国王的饮食可以看出纪录被广泛使用)
36. beer consumption is large because the food was so salty (啤酒的消费量高,因为食品很咸)
37. Sweden needs to protect its shipping to import Commodity (瑞典需要保护进口商品的运输)
38. From basins in desert locations, Sahara… (从沙漠水源的位置来看,撒哈拉…)
39. Salt from spring water is more concentrated. (从温泉中提取的盐更纯)
40. Salt trade cities formed due to a nature mean of transport. (贩盐城市的形成源于一种原始的交通方式