题目:What would you have preferred to study?

参考回答:I think Chinese parents are very strongly prejudiced towards professional or academic skills but I think vocational and life skills are equally important. In my opinion, it’s important to be well-rounded and to relate well to other people.

词汇:prejudiced; vocational; well-rounded; relate

● prejudiced: 有偏见的(同义词: biased, intolerant, bigoted, unfair; 反义词: unfair)

● vocational: 职业的(同义词: occupational, professional, career)

● well-rounded: 全面的;多方面的 (同义词well-formed)

● relate well to: 与……和睦相处

题目:What are the most important skills in modern China?

参考回答:Computer skills are obviously invaluable for everyone nowadays. Also, competence in several languages and people skills would be at the top of my list. And I think the ability to handle money shrewdly is also key.

词汇:competence; people skills; shrewdly

● competence: 能力;技能 (同义词: capability, ability, skill, aptitude, proficiency, expertise; 反义词: inability)

● people skills: 人际交往技巧

● shrewdly: 精明地;敏锐地 (同义词: astutely, cannily, craftily, sensibly; 反义词: naively)

题目:Do you think overseas experience will make it easier to find a job in China?

参考回答:That was very true in the past. But nowadays, more and more families have the means to send their kids overseas to study so the competition is stiffer. English proficiency is a big plus but many other skills that are applicable overseas may not be transferable to the local Chinese market.

词汇:means; stiffer; transferable

● means: 手段;方法 (同义词: way, method, process, channel)

● stiff: 艰难的;严格的 (同义词: rigid, firm, inflexible, hard; 反义词limp)

● applicable: 适合的;适用的(同义词: appropriate, valid, related, relevant; 反义词: unrelated)

● transferable: 可转移的 (同义词: moveable, transportable, handy, convenient, manageable; 反义词: fixed)



What job (or what work) do you do?

Why did you choose that job (or that kind of work)?

(Similar to above) Why did you choose to do that kind of work?

Have you always wanted to be a _____ (your job)?

What qualifications do you need for that work?

What do you do (in a typical day) at work?

(Similar to above) What are the main tasks that you do at work?

(Similar to above) What are your (main) responsibilities at work?

Is your job related to what you studied in university?

What have you been doing at work in the past year?


☆ 工作职位的英文表达方式

☆ 工作的公司名字和工作的年限

☆ 工作所包含的具体内容是什么

☆ 为什么要选择这个工作,其中应该说到:跟薪酬相关,跟兴趣相关,跟大学所学专业相关,跟出国以后从事职业相关。



Do you like (or enjoy) your job (or your work)?

(Similar to above) How do you like your current job?

(Similar to above) Is your job (or your work) very important to you?

Would you say it’s a good job?

What’s the best thing about your job?

Do you think your job is good for (or suitable for) a woman?

Would you like to change your job?

What other job do you think you would enjoy, apart from your present job?

What jobs are most popular (among young people) in your country?
