“这个图表”:图表类作文中涉及到的无非线line柱bar饼pie表table四类结合chart,illustration,diagram,graph和table这几个常用的“图表”单词,再加上together with,combined with,as well as等固定表达,开头段的这一个部分完全可以确定下来了;

“描述了”: show,describe,offer an overview,present,compare等,可以用来表达这一概念的动词可谓应有尽有;




“描述对象”:这往往是改写的难点,可以通过同义词和语法关系的替换来实现。例如social and economic indicators可以替换为indicators in both social and economic fields/ economic and social conditions in different aspects等。

因此,综合以上的信息,一个简单的开头段就完成了:The given table provides an overview of social and economic conditions from different aspects in four countries in the year 1994.


下定义和解释说明的表达方式:首先请大家牢记in other words, namely等下定义的表达方式和take … into consideration,in terms of,considering等补充说明的表达方式的正确使用,然后将其灵活的应用到对图表中文字信息的补充说明上。

举个例子来说,以上题为例,我们可以将刚刚的开头改写为The given table provides an overview of social and economic conditions from different aspects in four countries, namely, Canada, Japan, Peru and Zaire in the year 1994.

或者The given table provides the information of social and economic conditions in four countries in the year 1994, in terms of the annual income per person, life expectancy at birth, daily calorie supply per person and the literacy rate. All the date is based on the year 1994.

