首先:in the first place, to begin with, first of all

然后:in the following stage, afterwards, from then on, after that

同时:at the same time, meanwhile, simultaneously

最后:in the final stage, at last, finally, eventually

此外,在描写过程步骤时,一些恰当的动词是非常重要的,如在对“the glass bottle recycling”这个过程的描写中,一些动词:recycle, transport, grind, flow等都是非常准确的。

3. 如果要避免流程图的描写变成流水帐,那么在语言上的一些改写和变化是非常重要的。下面,将为大家介绍两类常见的句子间衔接的方法:

before, after which, following which, followed by

The glass bottles are sent to a collecting point by customers, after which, they are transported to a cleaning plant.

to do, doing, done, 定语从句

The glass bottles are sent to a collecting point by customers ready to be transported to a cleaning plant.

The glass bottles which are sent to a collecting point by customers are then transported to a cleaning plant.




1. 物体太多,不知如何有序描写

2. “建造”这个动词的多样表达


1. 地图题的描写思路,可以按照方位顺序来描写其在所给时间段中的变化,如变多,变少,消失,新建等。考生还需掌握一些方位词的表达方法:

in the north, to the north, above the river, on the edge of the garden, at the southwestern corner, along the river bank

2. 在地图题中,无疑会出现很多新出现的建筑,所以考生必须要用很多表示“建造”意思的动词来对其描写。

建造:build, construct, establish, set up, can be found

出现:emerge, arise, appear
