

四级Task 2: 简短回答(Question and answer)




1. 考生回答2个与所朗读的短文有关的问题,

2. 自我介绍是两位考生依次进行,但简短回答是两位考生同步进行;

3. 分到一组的2个考生同步进行答题,互相听不到对方的回答。

4. 简短回答没有准备时间,听到指令要立即作答,每题20秒时间答题。


↓↓ 样题如下 ↓↓

Many people would list San Franciscoasone of the most delightful citiesin the world.Sitting on the Pacific coast, it gives you a feeling of the sea. The sea breezes wake you up and make you eat well and sleep well. The city was planned with straight roads, and these roads cross each other at right angles, making squares as they do in many American cities. Very often you can find yourself on top of a hill in the city, looking down one of these straight roads as it rises and falls on its journey through the town. A good way to travel these roads is by cable car. These are buses that run on rails in the ground up and down the steep hills.



1.What would many people think of San Francisco according to the passage?

2.Which city in China do you like most? And why?



1. 根据样题来看,第一个问题(What would many people think of San Francisco according to the passage?)对短文内容提问,问态度也是主旨,答案在短文首句。

2. 第二个问题是开放性问题(Which city in China do you like most? And why?),对与短文相关的主题进行提问。



1. 在短文朗读准备的45s里,尽量记住短文内容(主旨大意)。因为在简短回答时你是看不到短文的。

2. 用完整的句子来回答问题。建议先提出自己的观点,再适当补充一些细节信息。小编给到具体模板如下:



① ② ③

提出自己的观点(1句) →解释原因(1句) → 进行具体阐述(1~2句)



3. 可根据自己的经验灵活作答。千万不要不回答,或者答非所问。

4. 20S的时间,根据个人语速,回答2~3句话即可。







① 自我介绍之后,简短问答;

② 口试最后一个Part——问答。




1. 在自我介绍之后,考官会问每个考生1个问题,问题作答时间是30s。

2. 自我介绍是两位考生依次进行,但回答问题是两位考生同步进行;大家不用担心回答会被干扰,你回答的时候是听不到对方讲话的。

3. 答题依然没有准备时间,听到指令只有30s时间回答哦。


↓↓ 样题见下 ↓↓

Wheredo you usually have your meals?Howdo you like the food there?

Whichdishes do you prefer, meat or vegetables?Why?

Doyou find the food in your canteen expensive?Whydo you say so?

What snacks and drinks do you usually have?Why?

Whichdo you prefer, Chinese dishes or Western dishes?Why?



1. 六级口试样题里,简短回答这部分,针对两个考生各列出了5个问题,问题相同。但考试时,两位考生回答的问题,可能相同,也可能不同。


2. 六级口试从头到尾都围绕一个话题深度讨论。不论是自我介绍后提的问题,还是口试第3部分的深度问答,都与六级口试讨论的主题紧密相关。



3. 简短提问的问题分两种:

① 5W1H类型;

② 以why或how(问原因和方式)引起的开放性问题(回答内容比较长)。



4. 回答时间30s,4-5句话即可。简单说明自己的观点,语速不宜过快或过慢,不要有明显的停顿,控制好表达时间。




1. 用一句话回答第一个问题——5W1H的问题,一般回答具体信息;以do开头的一般疑问句通常用yes或no回答,记得后面加上完整句子。

2. 以Why或how提出的开放性问题,进行拓展回答。答句不超过3-4句。



① ② ③

提出自己的观点(1句) →解释原因(1句) → 进行具体阐述(1~2句)






1. 提出观点:

In my opinion

From my point of view

As far as I am concerned, I prefer


2. 列举要点

on the one hand, on the other hand

First, sencond ,Third

For one thing... for another


3. 举例子

For example,

such as

Let's take ... as an example


4. 提出建议

What we/... need to do is

In short, we should...

It is high time that we did sth to ...


六级Task 3:问答




1. 考生再次回答考官的一个问题,考试时间约1分钟。每位考生45秒答题时间,两位考生同步进行。

2. 这里的问答没有准备时间,问题不显示在屏幕上,大家一定要认真听模拟考官的问题。





Now I’d like to ask you just one last question on the topic of “Food Safety”.

Whyare people more concerned about food safety these days?

Whydo some young people like junk food?

What do you think of some people going on a diet?

Whydo some people choose to eat vegetarian food only?

OK, that’s the end of the test. Thank you.



1. 从样题可以看到,六级口试——不论是开头自我介绍后简短问答,还是最后提的问题,都与六级讨论的主题Topic: food safety紧密相关。


2. 从上面的问题可看出,问答的问题分两种:

① 询问细节的5W1H类型;② 以why或how(询问原因和方式)的开放性问题(要答很多的问题)。





① 回答原因(论点)

② 说明解释(1-2句话)

③ 举例说明(1-2句话)

④ 总结观点(1-2句话)。



以样题为例,Why do some people choose to eat vegetarian food only?



The reason that people choose to eat vegetarian food only is that they think it is beneficial to their health.

Eating vegetables can not only keep one from diseases but also help you to lose weight. For example, one of my friends is a vegetarian. She tells me that eating only vegetables can protect her internal organs like the liver, which can make one live longer.

But as for me, I think our body needs nutrition from both meat, fat and vegetables. Balanced diet is more healthier to our body.



1. 提出观点

In my opinion, ...

From my point of view, I think/believe/hold...

My view is that...

As for me, I would like to...

My answer is...


2. 分条陈述

First, ... Second, ... Third,...

Firstly, ... Secondly, ... Thirdly, ...

To begin with, ... Secondly, ... Last but not least, ...

For one thing, ... For another, ...

First, ... What’s more, ... Finally, ...


3. 举例子

For example/instance, ...

...such as...

A good case in point is...

Let’s take...as an example.


4. 说明原因

There are many reasons for...

The answer to this problem involves many factors.

The first reason that can be obviously seen is...


5. 提出建议

We should properly...

What...need to do is...

Obviously, if we want to..., it is essential that...

Therefore, in order to..., effective means should be taken to...

In short/In any case, we should/ought to/must...


6. 总结说明

In summary /In short/ In brief /In conclusion

To sum up /All in all / In a word

Thus, it can be concluded that...

We can conclude from the above that...

Taking account of all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that...
