the reception's bad out here. 这里信号不好。打电话时的常用语。Save it,Mr.Bray. Save it 省省吧I've been through that before.have been through that 经历过A coat alone doesn't account for that.account for 说通,给出合理解释 To provide an explanation or justification forOh,you were being facetious.facetious a. 滑稽的,爱开玩笑的太阳从西边出来了啊,Bren靠自己的情商判断出了一个笑话来~~Surprise!A man-to-man,look-him-in-the-eye kind of thing?man-to-man,look-him-in-the-eye 男人之间开诚布公的曾经很喜欢Angela,现在依然非常喜欢Wendell,但是这俩在一块儿就是一个别扭啊……"Important blogger"-- talk about an oxymoron.oxymoron 自相矛盾因为这位博客写手猜测Booth是个军方智囊团,但她又说这是个自相矛盾的说法,言下之意就是她觉得军方都挺没脑子的;而Booth知道了她的身份后立马回击,说“重要的博客写手”这还不够自相矛盾的么?言下之意是说博客上说的哪能当真咧。by tomorrow morning,this whole town will be swarming with UFO nuts. swarm with 充满,挤满nut 【俚语】 狂热者- You know,I won't say anything about the scream if you don't say anything about the gun. - Those terms are satisfactory.- Right.Those terms are satisfactory. 这提议不错。比较正式的说法。巨可爱的一段,哇哈哈~~~“要是你不说我枪被吸走的事儿,我也不说你有尖叫。”太心虚了,这两只……- So,our victim was using a dangerous insecticide. - Not unusual for someone who's a couple of tacos short of a combo plate. 这里说死者在使用一种有毒危害的杀虫剂,Cam说这也算不得蹊跷,因为如果生活水平本就不高、缺衣少食的话,自然不会不关心到这个层面。do you have a second? 你有空么?knock yourself out. knock yourself out 放手去追吧 please begin doing it 这是一个固定搭配的口语,是个祈使句,表示让对方开始做某事。这里是Hodgins让Wendell大胆追Angela去吧。(好吧,我翻了翻眼皮儿……)Well,the cockroach is an evolutionary marvel.cockroach 蟑螂marvel 奇异的事物,奇迹这段关于蟑螂进化什么的讨论很囧啊……《识骨寻踪》原创学习美剧使用口语学习笔记