第22课:诚实正直的 - 10


A: Do you think we can trust our new boss?
B: Yes, I’ve asked him a few questions, and his answers are simple, honest, and guileless.

A: 你觉得新老板这人可以信任吗?
B: 没问题。我问过他一些问题,他的回答简单、诚实、厚道。


A: I heard you just came through a difficult year.
B: Yes, but I had a few true friends who stuck with me.

A: 我听说你去年过得挺艰难的。
B: 是呀,不过幸好我有几个真正的朋友一直都支持着我。


guileless: 不奸猾的;老实的;坦率的。
true: 忠诚的,忠实的。
stick with: 继续支持,继续忠于。