第17课:没礼貌的 - 13


A: What’s the matter with you? Were you born in a barn?
B: What are you talking about? I’m behaving.
A: You walked in here and left the door open, you took the only seat and left grandma standing, and now you have put your feet up on my table.
B: Oh! Sorry. I guess I just forgot my manners.

A: 你怎么搞的?这么没有教养?
B: 你在说什么?我规规矩矩的。
A: 你进来了,也不关门;就一把凳子,你坐着却让奶奶站着,现在还把脚放到我的桌子上。
B: 噢,不好意思。失礼了。


be born in a barn: 出生在牲口棚里。形容某人没有教育,不讲文明。
forget one’s manners: 指某人的行为不够得体。