第15课:刻薄的 - 20


A: He was a cruel-hearted leader, as he let his people starve while he traveled around the world.
B: I heard he was the worst leader they had in twenty years.

A: 他真是个残暴的领导人。他去周游世界,却让他的人民在那儿挨饿。
B: 我听说他是二十年来他们遇到的最糟糕的领导人。


A: That was a really offensive remark you made.
B: I didn’t think it was rude of me, do you?

A: 你说话太无礼了。
B: 我不觉得我刚才无礼,不是吗?


cruel-hearted: 残忍的,残暴的。
offensive: 无礼的,令人厌恶的。
remark: 言辞,话语。
rude: 粗鲁的,无礼的。