第10课:无趣的 - 7


A: This is where you live? In this dark, old apartment, with old furniture and no pictures on the walls?
B: I know. It is a little drab. But it’s cheap, and I can fix it up a little bit each week.

A: 这就是你住的地方?房子又黑又旧,家具也很陈旧,墙上连幅画也没有。
B: 这我知道。是单调了点,不过很便宜,而且可以每周修整一点。


A: A friend in need is a friend indeed.
B: Can’t you think of something new to say? That hackneyed old expression doesn’t even mean anything anymore!

A: 患难见真情。
B: 能说点新鲜的吗?那种被用滥的落俗套的话现在已经没有任何意义了。


apartment: 公寓。
drab: 单调乏味的;无生气的;死气沉沉的。
fix up: 修缮。
hackneyed: 指语言陈腐的;老一套的。