第8课:悲伤的 - 12


A: You’ve got to cheer up! Everyone is worried because you look so sad.
B: I know. It’s not usual for me to look so glum.

A: 你得高兴起来!看到你不高兴的样子,大家都很担心。
B: 这我知道。我平时很少这么愁眉不展的。


A: I tried to make Marilyn burst into laughter, but she never even smiled!
B: It’s hard to make her smile; she is as solemn as a judge.

A: 我试着让Marilyn开怀大笑,可她连个微笑都没有。
B: 让她笑可难了,她一本正经得像个法官。


cheer up: 使……重新感到喜悦或抱有希望。
sad: 在口语中常用来形容某人情绪低落、心情沮丧,以至于没有做通常会做的事情的心情或精力。
glum: 忧郁的,闷闷不乐的。
burst into: 突然开始做某事,后面常接tears, song, laughter等词。
as solemn as a judge: 形容某人很严厉或严肃的样子。