第5课:美 - 11


A: Did you see her daughter? She’s so cute. She’s a living doll.
B: She has a baby face, which probably lets her get away with anything.
A: With her big blue eyes and curly hair, she is just too sweet for words.
B: I bet when she is older, she will be stunning.

A: 你见过她女儿吗?可爱极了,活像个洋娃娃。
B: 她长着一张娃娃脸,即使她做错了事儿也总能轻易逃脱惩罚。
A: 再加上她那双蓝色的大眼睛和一头卷发,那种甜美简直无法用语言形容。
B: 我敢说,她长大了肯定会出落成一个绝色美人。


a living doll: 用来形容某人美丽而纯洁。
curly: 弯曲的。
stunning: 形容某人美得惊人。多用来形容女性外表美丽,气质高雅。