1 graze v. 吃草

The cows like to graze in the valley below. 母牛喜欢在下面的山谷中吃草。

2 slightly adv. 轻微地

My sister is slightly taller than me. 我姐比我高了一点。

3 gallop v. 奔驰;飞跑

Many quadrupeds usually gallop in groups when carnivorous animals are chasing them. 很多四足兽会在受到食肉类动物追逐时成群结队地奔跑。

4 lanky adj. 瘦长的

My brother is really tall and lanky. 我弟弟长得很高,人又很瘦。

5 awkward adj. 笨拙的;不熟练的

He looks awkward when skiing. 他滑雪时的样子蛮笨拙的。

6 desert n. 沙漠

People sometimes see mirages in the desert. 人们有时会在沙漠中看到海市蜃楼。

7 extra adj. 额外的

I gave the waiter an extra tip because he was really nice. 那个服务生很好,我额外给了他一些小费

8 weight n 重量

The weight of that bag must be very heavy. 那个袋子的重量一定很重。

9 single adj. 单一的

I’d like a single room, please. 请给我一间单人房。

10 passenger n. 旅客;乘客

The passengers of that highjacked airplane were rescued. 那架被劫持的飞机上面的乘客都已获救。

11 annual adj. 一年一度的

This race is an annual event. 这项比赛一年才举办一次。

12 giraffe n. 长颈鹿

I didn’t know giraffes were so tall. 我不知道长颈鹿有那么高。

13 surrounding adj. 附近的

The surrounding area is mainly filled with factories. 附近地区大部分是工厂。

14 racer n. 赛跑者

I don’t ski for pleasure. I am a professional racer. 我滑雪不是为了消遣,我可是名职业比赛选手。

15 carry on 继续

Carry on. You don’t have to stop. 继续,你不用停下来。

16 footstep n. 脚步

I am sure I heard a footstep behind me. 我确定听到背后有脚步声。

17 tightly adv. 紧紧地

I held my friend’s hand tightly. 我紧紧地抓住我朋友的手。

18 sand dune n. 沙丘

The treasure was buried in the sand dune. 宝藏就埋在这个沙丘里。

19 in the lead 领先

The Nigerian runner is in the lead, followed by the Canadian runner. 尼日利亚选手目前领先,跟在后面的是加拿大选手。

20 ginger n. 活力

I own a big ginger cat. 我养了一只又大又活泼的猫。



【美】 Meredith Walker 著   陈怡芬 译
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