1 dolphin n. 海豚

In the harbor we saw a dolphin. 我们在港口看到一只海豚。

12 offer v. 提供;给予

I would like to offer you a job in my company. 我想替你在我公司里安排一份工作。

3 spot v. 认出;发现

Have you spotted any whales yet? 你已经发现鲸鱼了吗?

4 tour n. 旅行;游览

We went on a tour of a castle in London. 我们去伦敦城堡一游。

5 Hawaii n. 夏威夷

While in America we will visit Hawaii. 待在美国的时候,我们要去参观夏威夷。

6 ad n. 广告

We saw this cruise in an ad. 我们在广告上看到这则航海之旅。

7 book n. 预订

We would like to book a cruise to Thailand. 我们想预订到泰国的航程。

8 honeymoon n. 蜜月

We had a romantic honeymoon in Paris. 我们到巴黎共度了浪漫蜜月。

9 Maui n. 毛伊岛

I thought the beaches in Maui were the best. 我觉得毛伊岛的海滩最棒。

10 wetsuit n.保温潜水服

We had to put on a wetsuit to go scuba diving.我们必须穿上保温潜水服才能进行水肺潜水。

11 boat n. 船;小船

The boat we sailed on was 20 meters long. 我们游览所坐的这艘船有20 米长。

12 throw v. 扔;抛;掷

We had to throw away the rest of the bread.我们必须扔掉剩余的面包。

13 gently adv. 轻柔地

I gently laid the baby into the stroller. 我轻轻地把婴儿放进婴儿车。

14 fin n. 鳍

I just saw a shark fin. 我刚看到鲨鱼鳍。

15 slippery adj. 滑的

The ground is a bit slippery to walk on. 地上有点滑,走路要小心。

16 velvet n. 天鹅绒

Dennis’ coat is made of velvet. 丹尼斯的外套是天鹅绒做的。

17 underwater adj. 水中的;水面下的

This film has many underwater scenes. 这部电影水中镜头很多。

18 squawk v. 嘎嘎叫

The chickens squawked loudly when they saw the fox. 鸡看到狐狸时会大声地嘎嘎叫。

19 graceful adj. 优雅的

Swans look so graceful when they are swimming. 天鹅游泳时动作看起来很优雅。

20 dancer n. 跳舞者;舞蹈家

I am such a terrible dancer. 我舞跳得够烂。

21 last v. 持续

This speech has lasted for three hours and I am drowsy. 这场演讲持续了三个小时,听得我昏昏欲睡。



【美】 Meredith Walker 著   陈怡芬 译
上海交通大学出版社出版授权 严禁转载