首先,来看看 下面这个句 子:

Julie has butterflies in   her stomach every time Mike speaks to her.

这是什么意思呢?当麦克对朱莉说话时,朱莉的肚子里有蝴蝶???如果这样理解,可就闹大笑话啦!其实,Butterflies in one's stomach “肚子里有蝴蝶” 这个短语的意思和汉语里的“七上八下”相似,用来描述某人感到紧张、忐忑不安。而这句话的正确意思:当麦克对朱莉说话时,朱莉感到紧张不安。


1.Make a pig's ear of 把事情搞得很糟糕

词典中对make a pig's ear of的解释是to do something badly, wrongly, or awkwardly。翻译成中文可以是把事情做得很糟糕。

She made a pig's ear of things on the evening.

2.Cast pearls before swine 对牛弹琴

词典中对Cast pearls before swine把珍珠放在猪面前,这个表达相当于我们中文中的“对牛弹琴”。

To cast pearls before swine is to give things of value to those who will not understand it.

3. The lion's share 最大份额

得到某物的the lion's share,意思是得到了它的大部分(最大份额)。

Prince  had left the lion's share of all his money to his second daughter.

  4.A cold fish 冷漠无情的人,古怪的人

A cold fish不是指冰冷的鱼,而是指感情较少波动甚至有些不友好的人。

Our new boss  is a cold fish. 

拓展:Cold-hearted 冷酷无情  

Orphaned as a baby, Jane Eyre is placed in the care of a cold-hearted aunt, Mrs. Reed of Gateshead Hall.

5 It's not my pigeon. 这不关我的事

pigeon是鸽子,但这句话并不是说,这不是我的鸽子,而是说这不关我的事,有类似"It's none of my bussiness."

The house price is growing quickly, but it's not my pigeon.

6.A cat gets one's tongue 舌头打结,一言不发,不吭声

What's up? Cat got your tongue?