
蹩脚口语:get involve in
地道口语:get into it

【影 视实例】
剧 情引导:詹姆斯满心盼望着 暑假的游学,却不想父亲被降职手头很紧,不得不去游乐场打工养活自己,他被派到游戏区管赛马啥的,老板嫌他不够激情……

- Have you ever seen a horse race before? Have you ever, like, heard one on the radio?
- Harness racing or, like, the normal kind?
- That's a good question.
- It doesn't really matter. Look, the Kentucky Derby. Have you seen the Kentucky Derby? The way they announce it on the radio, and it's really...
- Yeah, yeah, yeah. "100, 200, 200, going..."
- That's an auction, sweetie.
- Right.
- So don't... Yeah, just get into it, you know? Make it a show. Make it a performance. You know what I mean? That's what people come for. So, let's take it to a 10. All right, got faith in you, man.
- Thank you.

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