
蹩脚口语:unity is power
地道口语:unity is strength


剧情引导:《海底总动员》里头为男女主鱼指路的鱼群还记得嘛?他们整齐的队列变化,能够勾勒出各种漂亮生动的图案。现实生活的海底,鱼儿们真的能如 此整齐划一,躲避天敌的捕猎。

Most fish don't have this option. For some, the only way of avoiding danger is by hiding amongst their own kind in shoals. Packed close together, no one anchovy stands out. By sensing and reacting to the movements of their immediate neighbours, thousands can move as one. For a predator, picking out an individual becomes nearly impossible. The shoal's unity is its strength. Yet each fish is acting from selfish motives. Moving together, the fish confuse the sea lions so much that they leave to look elsewhere for a smaller, less tricky target.