Sentence Translation
1. Our online courses are open to the public for immediately enrolment. They include everything our students need for study. Our students love the quality as well as the convenience.

2. In 1986, there were over 40 million computers in the world, while by 2006, that number climbed to about 800 million, a twenty-fold increase in two decades.

3. In an age of fast communication via telephone and computer, face-to-face meetings might seem like wasting our time and energy. However, they are still an important part of doing business.

4. There are ten clubs here representing foreign students on campus. Their main purpose is to get students from the same countries together, so we won’t get too homesick and can help each other.

5. Listening is what we do first and most. The average person spends 45% of his daily communication time in listening, with the rest 55% in writing, reading and speaking.

