情景商务英语:041 道别(一)
2014-02-14 16:12
And that concludes our tour. We'd like to thank you for coming, and we hope you enjoyed your time with us today. Do you have any questions about the things we shared with you during our factory tour? No, your explanations were quite thorough, we pretty much saw all that we came to see. Thank you for spending the afternoon with us. It was our pleasure. Well, if you don't have any questions now, but think of something later, please don't hesitate to email us. Here, let me leave you with my card. Thanks. We'll be sure to keep in touch. Great! So from here are you headed back to you hotel? Can I call you a cab to take you back? No, that won't be necessary. We've got a rental car. We've already checked out of the hotel because we are planning to catch an early flight out.
A:我们的参观到此结束。我们感谢大家的到来,也希望你们今天过得愉快。参观工厂期间就我们讨论的话题,你们有什么问题吗? B:没有了,你讲解得非常透彻,我们也看到了很多我们想看的东西。谢谢你陪了我们一下午。 A:这是我们的荣幸。好了,如果你们现在没有问题,但以后又想起什么事的话,请随时用电子邮件与我们联系。我把名片留给大家。 B:谢谢,我们肯定会和你联系的。 A:好极了!那你们是不是要回宾馆?我叫出租车把你们送回去吧? B:不用,没必要了。我们租了一辆车。因为我们打算赶早班的飞机回去,所以在宾馆已经结账退房了。