情景商务英语:016 老板(二)
2012-03-22 08:45
PS: 因为昨天操作失误把自己两篇未校对的听写稿放入系统中,造成了多处错误,对此表示十分抱歉,错误的地方已改正,并进行重新评分了。今后我也会认真校对好后再放入系统,谢谢同学们指正错误。
PS: 因为昨天操作失误把自己两篇未校对的听写稿放入系统中,造成了多处错误,对此表示十分抱歉,错误的地方已改正,并进行重新评分了。今后我也会认真校对好后再放入系统,谢谢同学们指正错误。
Do you get along with your boss? Actually I do. She is really understanding and reasonable most of the time. There was only one time I didn't really agree with her. When was that? Once she fired one of my co-workers for drinking on the job. I felt bad for him, because it is so hard to find a job these days, and he has a family to support. Well, he shouldn't have been drinking on duty. It's your boss' responsibility to make sure employees are safe, and also doing their jobs. You are right. She was being a good boss when she fired him, but I just felt sorry for him, that's all. Did this incident with your co-worker affect your relationship with your boss? Not really. All of us at the office respect our boss a lot. You are lucky you can get along so well with your boss. It makes a big difference in how much you enjoy your job. No kidding. If you don't like your boss or your co-workers, they can make your life miserable.
你和老板关系好吗? 说实话,很好,大多数情况下她很有同情心,很通情达理。只有一次我和她意见很不一致。 什么时候? 又一次因为我的一个同事上班时间喝酒,她解雇了他。我替这个同事感到难过,因为最近找工作真是太难了,何况他还要养活一家人。 事实是,他真不应该上班时间喝酒,老板的责任就是确保每个员工不出错,而且还有尽职尽责。 你说的对。即使开除这个员工,她也是个好老板。我只是为我的同事感到惋惜,仅此而已。 你同事这件事影响到你和老板的关系了吗? 一点没有影响。我们办公室所有的人都非常尊重我们老板。 你和老板的关系那么好真是太幸运了,这对你是否喜欢自己的工作有很大的关系。 不骗你。如果你不喜欢你的老板或同事,那你会过的很痛苦。