情景商务英语:015 老板(一)
2012-03-07 08:45
How are things at the office lately? Just awful. Two weeks ago, we got a new boss, and I can't stand him. He is really unreasonable about our workload. Since he came, I've been so busy I haven't had time to breathe! That bad, huh? What about his personality? Is he a nice guy at least? I should be so lucky. He not only gives us too much work, but he is also just plain mean about it. He constantly yells at us or criticizes us. He is always degrading the employees. What a terrible working environment. Have you tried to talking anyone about it? Maybe the boss of your boss? I was going to, but my boss guessed what I was thinking. He gave me so much work to do that afternoon that I didn't get around to meeting with the supervisor of our department. It must be terrible. Why don't you just quit? If it wasn't for the money, I would quit in a heartbeat. But the problem is, I can't support myself if I don't work. Yeah. But a boss like that? To deal with him everyday, you should get a raise!
A:最近工作情况如何? B:糟糕透了。两周前我们来了新老板,我真受不了他。他给我们分配了那么多工作,简直是毫无道理。他来了以后,我就一直很忙,连喘气的时间都没有。 A:有那么糟糕吗?他的人品如何?至少他人还不错吧? B:我可没那么幸运。他不但让我们干很多活,而且还非常吝啬。他经常朝我们叫喊或批评我们,还侮辱员工的人格。 A:工作环境太糟糕了!你有没有试过和什么人谈谈,比如你们老板的上司? B:我有这个打算,可是老板已猜出了我的心思。那天下午他给我派了很多活,我根本抽不出时间去见我们部门的主管。 A: 太可怕了。那你为什么不辞职? B:如果不是为了钱,我会立刻辞职。问题是,如果不上班我连自己也养不活。 A:是这么回事,可老板却又那样?每天去和他沟通沟通,你应该得到加薪的。 【单词及词组】 :糟糕的 onable:不讲道理的 ad:工作量 :十分,非常 :吝啬的 ize:批评 e:使卑微 isor:主管 :辞职 :加薪 11:I should be so lucky{我没那么幸运} 12:in a heartbeat(立刻)