

Acidity:: 酸性; 酸味

the quality of being acid sourness

Acquaintance:: (通过工作或业务) 认识的人;相识

a person whom one knows, esp . through work or business , but who may not be a friend


This car is my latest acquisition .


enough for the purpose , and no more


The two surfaces adhered ( to each other ) , and we couldn‟t get them apart.

adjudicate to act as a judge : 裁判;裁决.

To adjudicate a singing competition


to change slightly , esp . in order to set right or make suitable for a particular job or new condition

I must adjust my watch because it‟s slow.


the control or direction of affairs, as of a country or business

You would need some experience in administration.

Approach : 靠近;接近

the act of approaching

The approach of winter brings cold weather . Appropriate

correct or suitable : 正确的;合适的

His bright clothes were not appropriate for a funeral .

Approve: 批准; 同意;通过.

to agree officially to

The company president approved the building plans .

Approximate :大概,大约 nearly correct , but not exact

The approximate number of boys in the school is 300 but remember that 300 is only an approximate figure .

Aquatic:水生的; 水中或水上的

living or happening in or on water :

Arbitrate::仲裁; 公断

to act as a judge in (an argument), esp. at the request of both sides

Someone must arbitrate between them.
