

1. C. a 2. D. wood  3. B. wrote   4. B. to eat  5. C. On   6. D. Mine  7. D. not much  8. C. have finished   9. A. if she will    10. C. didn’t know  11. A. for   12. D. look it up   13. A. so does   14. B. needn’t   15. B. which to choose   16. C. do 17. B. two-thousand-word 18. D. underst"mso-spacerun: yood 19. A. they  20. B. Wang


Giotto and his father lived on a small farm in Italy. Every day Giotto was sent to watch their sheep in the hills. But Giotto loved to draw. He had neither pencil nor paper, but as he sat in the warm sunshine watching the sheep, he drew pictures in the sand with a stick. Sometimes he covered stones with drawings of things he saw about him. Before he was very old, Giotto had (或got) the chance to study drawing and painting with a great painter. He worked very hard and before many years had passed he could draw as well as his master.


A. 1. (第2段)When Robinson Crusoe reached the island, he was wet, hungry and thirsty.

2. (第4段)He made up his mind to sleep in a tree as the birds do.

3. (第5段)When he landed, he did not have a gun to defend himself, but he did have a knife.

B. 1. B   2. C   3. B    4. C


1. What lovely weather! / What a fine day it is! / How nice the weather is!

2. There are lots of (或a lot of) new machines in our factory.

3. Go and ask her where her father works (或is working). / Please ask her where her father works (或is working).

4. I hope the examination won’t be too difficult for you. / I hope you won’t find the examination too difficult.

5. The speaker today is an old scientist who has just joined the Party. / The speaker today is an old scientist who joined the Party not long ago.

6. The foreign guest (或visitor) said, “What I want to know is how you are going to realize (或bring about) the four modernizations.


中午时分阳光十分强烈。吉姆累得走不动了。路旁没有树,所以他在岩石下休息休息。他喝了点水,就脱下衬衫,躺在地上,立刻就睡着了。 他十分累,一睡就睡到黄昏才醒。他正要站起身来,就感到有什么东西在他脚边蠕动。他朝下一看,看见了一条又黑又长的蛇。 吉姆害怕得动也不敢动。那条蛇开始从他的腿上爬过。它缓慢地向前蠕动着,最后消失在岩石下面了。吉姆猛地站起身来,捡起衬衫,匆忙地沿着大路跑去。


1. One is never too old to learn.

2. I thought I had read that book before.

3. Before we reached the top of the hill, we were caught in the rainstorm.

4. What about putting off the football match? You see, it’s raining.

5. He has lent me a number of old magazines.

6. She was lying on the grass reading a story.

7. The power station is run by our commune.

8. She said on the telephone, “Sorry, Mr. Smith isn’t in. Would you mind ringing back sometime tomorrow?”

9. Another winter went by. The sun was warm again and wild roses flowered along the banks and the blackbird sang his song of happiness.


1. (Wrong)正确句应为:She is taller than any other girl in the class.

2. (Right)

3. (Right)

4. (Right)

5. (Wrong)正确句应为:He shot at the bird, but it flew away.

6. (Right)

7. (Wrong)正确句应为:He enjoyed swimming in the river.

8. (Wrong)正确句应为:My sister has been ill for two weeks(或since two weeks ago).

9. (Wrong)正确句应为:The question was so difficult that I just couldn’t answer it.

10. (Wrong)正确句应为:She knows how to answer all the questions in English.