

1. Engli i s h; g e ogr a p h y;ch e m i s try;         ma t h e m a tics; h i s t ory

2. sold i e r; w rit e r;s e cr et a r y;                           sci e n t ist;p o lic e m a n

3. fac t o ry;h osp it al; c in ema;                        b o o k sh o p;li br a ry

4. d a ncing;sh o ut i ng;l a u gh =MsoNoi ng;                  cr y i n g; qu a r r ell i n g


1. Where did you go during the spring holidays?

2. when did the May 4th Movement take place?

3. How many languages does she speak?

4. What was she doing when you came into her room?

5. What is the picture like?


1—5 DDDACA  6—10 DACBC  11—15 DBBAC  16—20 BBDDA


1. on February 12, 1809

2. grew up

3. going to school

4. a little then

5. no more( longer) than

6. was elected ( chosen)

7. succe>cheded in

8. setting the Negro slaves free

9. had come to love him dearly

10. is regarded as


1. Beijing (Peking) is the capital of China (China’s capital) .

2. How did you celebrate May Day(May lst) this year?

3. 1) It takes more than (over) twenty hours to get (go) to Paris by plane (by air) .

2) It takes more than (over) twenty hours to fly to Paris.

4. I asked him which of (all) the cities he had been to (had visited) had the largest population.

5. Without knowledge of science and technology, it is impossible to build ours (our country) into a powerful (strong) socialist country.


A. 完成句子

1. Elizabeth (Elnter-ideograph; MARGIN:izabeth Blackwell), Liza

2. to enter a medical college (to be taken as a medical student, to become a doctor)

3. agree (decide) to enrol (accept, admit, take, etc. ) Elizabeth

4. Elizabeth, the famous doctor

B. 选择填空

1. C. become a student in his college

2. A. did not consider

3. B. the greater part of the students showed no interest in the matter

4. C. Geneva College proud

5. B. fail


1. reply → answer, 或将reply改为reply to

2. to explain → explain

3. the United States → that of (in) the United States

4. the rest was → the rest were

5. After finishing → After he finished (had fing=EN-US style="COLished), 或将everyone present was invited改为he invited everyone present

6. as much to thirty yuan → as much as thirty yuan

7. search → search for, 或将search them改为search the village

8. too → to