第五十一条 非居民企业取得本法第三条第二款规定的所得,以机构、场所所在地为纳税地点。非居民企业在中国境内设立两个或者两个以上机构、场所的,经税务机关审核批准,可以选择由其主要机构、场所汇总缴纳企业所得税。
Article 51 In case a non-resident enterprise earns any income as prescribed in Paragraph 2, Article 3 of the present Law, the tax payment place shall be the place at the locality of the organ or establishment. In case a non-resident enterprise has set up two or more organs or establishments within the territory of China, it may choose to have its main organ or establishment make a consolidated payment of the enterprise income tax upon the examination and approval of the tax organ.

As regards a non-resident enterprise which earns any income as prescribed in Paragraph 3, Article 3 of the present Law, the place at the locality of the obligatory withholder shall be the tax payment place.

第五十二条 除国务院另有规定外,企业之间不得合并缴纳企业所得税。
Article 52 Enterprises may not pay their enterprise income taxes on a consolidated basis unless it is otherwise prescribed by the State Council.

第五十三条 企业所得税按纳税年度计算。纳税年度自公历1月1日起至12月31日止。
Article 53 Enterprise income taxes shall be calculated on the basis of a tax year, which is from January 1 to December 31 of the Gregorian calendar year.

In case an enterprise's business operations are started or terminated in the middle of a tax year, which leads to its actual business operation period in this tax year being shorter than 12 months, its actual business operation period shall constitute a tax year.

When an enterprise is under liquidation according to law, the liquidation period shall be a tax year.

第五十四条 企业所得税分月或者分季预缴。
Article 54 Enterprise income taxes shall, on the monthly or quarterly basis, be paid in advance.

An enterprise shall submit an enterprise income tax return for advance payment to the tax organ and pay the tax in advance within 15 days after the end of a month or quarter.

An enterprise shall submit an annual enterprise income tax return for the settlement of tax payments to the tax organ and settle the payable or refundable amount of taxes within 5 months after the end of each year.

When an enterprise submits an enterprise income tax return, the financial statements and other related materials shall be attached in accordance with the related provisions.

第五十五条 企业在年度中间终止经营活动的,应当自实际经营终止之日起六十日内,向税务机关办理当期企业所得税汇算清缴。
Article 55 In case an enterprise terminates its business operation in the middle of a year, it shall apply to the tax organ for calculating and paying the enterprise income taxes of the current period within 60 days after the actual date for terminating its business operations.

Before the deregistration formalities are handled, an enterprise shall make a declaration to the tax organ and pay the enterprise income taxes on the basis of the income of the liquidation.

第五十六条 依照本法缴纳的企业所得税,以人民币计算。所得以人民币以外的货币计算的,应当折合成人民币计算并缴纳税款。
Article 56 Enterprise income taxes to be paid pursuant to the present law shall be calculated on the basis of RMB. In case any income is calculated on the basis of a currency other than RMB, the taxes shall, after such income converted into RMB, be calculated and paid.

第八章 附则
Chapter VIII Supplementary Rules

第五十七条 本法公布前已经批准设立的企业,依照当时的税收法律、行政法规规定,享受低税率优惠的,按照国务院规定,可以在本法施行后五年内,逐步过渡到本法规定的税率;享受定期减免税优惠的,按照国务院规定,可以在本法施行后继续享受到期满为止,但因未获利而尚未享受优惠的,优惠期限从本法施行年度起计算。
Article 57 In case an enterprise has already been set up before the promulgation of the present Law and enjoys low tax rates in accordance with the provisions of the tax laws and administrative regulations in force at that time, it may, in accordance with the provisions of the State Council, continue to enjoy the preferential treatments within five years as of the promulgation of the present Law and gradually transfer to the tax rate as prescribed in the present Law. In case an enterprise enjoys the preferential treatment of tax exemption for a fixed term, it may, after the promulgation of this Law, continue to enjoy such treatment in accordance with the provisions of the State Council until the fixed term expires. However, if an enterprise has failed to enjoy the preferential treatment by virtue of failure to make profits, the term of preferential treatment may be counted as of the year when the present Law is promulgated.

As regards high-tech enterprises which are newly established with the key support of the State within the particular areas set up by law for developing foreign economic cooperation and technological exchanges or the areas enjoying the abovementioned special policies as provided for by the State Council, they may enjoy transitional preferential tax treatments. The specific measures thereof shall be constituted by the State Council.

As regards other enterprises falling within the encouraged category as already determined by the State Council, they may, according to the provisions of the State Council, enjoy the preferential treatment of tax reduction or exemption.

第五十八条 中华人民共和国政府同外国政府订立的有关税收的协定与本法有不同规定的,依照协定的规定办理。
Article 58 In case any provision in a tax treaty concluded between the government of the People's Republic of China and a foreign government is different from the provisions in the present Law, the provision in the said treaty shall prevail.

第五十九条 国务院根据本法制定实施条例。
Article 59 The State Council shall constitute a regulation for implementing the present Law.

第六十条 本法自2008年1月1日起施行。1991年4月9日第七届全国人民代表大会第四次会议通过的《中华人民共和国外商投资企业和外国企业所得税法》和1993年12月13日国务院发布的《中华人民共和国企业所得税暂行条例》同时废止。
Article 60 The present law shall go into effect as of January 1, 2008. The Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China Concerning Foreign-funded Enterprises and Foreign Enterprises as adopted on April 9, 1991 at the 4th Session of the Standing Committee of the 7th National People's Congress and the Interim Regulation of the People's Republic of China Concerning Enterprise Income Tax as promulgated on December 13, 1993 by the State Council shall be concurrently abolished.