conduit 导管
conduit coupler 管道接头
conduit coupling 管道接头
conduit elbow 弯管
conduit line 电缆沟道
conduit system 槽渠制
conduit type power plant 运河型水电站
cone 圆锥
confidence belt 置信区域
confidence coefficient 置信系数
confidence interval 置信区间

confidence level 置信水平
confidence limit 置信界限
configuration 配线
configuration control 配置控制
configuration section 构形段
conformal mapping 保角映射
conformal representation 保角映射
conformity 一致性
congruent distribution function 全等分布函数
conical pendulum governer 离心节速器
conjugate branches 共轭支路
conjugate conductors 共轭支路
conjugate image 共轭象
conjugate impedance 共轭阻抗
conjugating frequency 共扼频率
conjunction 逻辑乘积
conjunctive search 逻辑乘检索按与检索
connect 连接
connected load 连接负载
connecting bus bar 接续汇刘
connecting cable 连接电缆
connecting cord 连接塞绳
connecting device 连接设备
connecting relay 连接继电器
connecting terminal 接线端子
connection 连接
connection block 接线条
connection box 电缆接线箱
connection diagram 连接图
connection in opposite 对交连接
connection layout 布线
connection point 接点
connections of circuits 电路的连接
connector 连接器
consecutive sequence computer 连续顺序计算机
conservation 保存
conservation of energy 能量守恒
conservation of mass 质量守恒
conservation system 守恒系
conservative value 守恒值
conservator 油枕
conservator tank 油枕
consistency 一致性
console 操纵台
console typewriter 键盘打字机
constancy of frequency 频率恒定性
constant 常数
constant area 常数区域
constant armature reaction 固定电枢反应
constant current 恒定电流
constant current charge 恒龄电
constant current discharge 恒僚电
constant current dynamo 恒立电机
constant current generator 恒立电机
constant current source 恒羚源
constant current system 定疗
constant current transformer 恒龄压器
constant duty 恒定状态
constant excitation 恒定励磁
constant field 恒定场
constant flow valve 恒璃
constant load 固定负载
constant losses 恒定损失
constant of meter 计量疲数
constant potential 不变电位
constant pressure gas turbine 恒压燃气轮机
constant ratio code 恒比代码
constant resistance 固定电阻
constant speed 恒定速度
constant speed control system 定速控制式
constant speed floating regulator 恒速无静差第器
constant speed motor 定速电动机
constant value control 恒定值控制
constant velocity servomotor 恒速伺服电动机
constant velocity system 恒速系统
constant voltage 恒压
constant voltage charge 定压充电
constant voltage dynamo 定压发电机
constant voltage generator 定压发电机
constant voltage regulator 电压稳定器
constant voltage source 恒压电源
constant voltage transformer 恒压变压器
constant voltage transmission 恒压输电
constant voltage unit 恒压器电压稳定器
constantan 康斯坦镍铜合金;康铜
constituent 组成部分
construction 建设
construction cost 建设费
construction work 建筑工程
consumed power 消耗功率
contact 接点
contact apparatus 接触器
contact blade 触头片
contact brush 接触电刷
contact button 按钮
contact chatter 接点振动
contact electricity 接触电
contact electrification 接触起电
contact electrode 接触电极
contact electromotive force 接触电动势
contact fault 触点故障
contact force 触点压力
contact gap 接点间隙
contact heating 接触发热
contact lever 接触杆
contact losses 接点损失
contact maker 接触器
contact making clock 接触电钟
contact material 接点材料
contact measurement 接触测定
contact member 接触元件
contact noise 触点噪声
contact parting time 触点断开时间
contact pickup 接触式触感器
contact piece 接触片
contact plate 接触板
contact plating 接触电镀
contact point 接触点
contact potential 接触电势
contact potential difference 接触电位差
contact pressure 接点压力
contact rail 接触轨
contact rectifier 接触整流
contact resistance 接触电阻
contact resistance measuring instrument 接触电阻测量仪表
contact ring 接触环
contact separation 触点间隔
contact shoe 触靴
contact slipper 触靴
contact spring 接点弹簧
contact spring set 触点弹簧组
contact strip 接点片
contact surface 接触表面
contact thermometer 接触温度计
contact travel 触点行程
contact voltage 接触电压
contact wire 接触导线
contactless device 无接点装置
contactless measurement 无触点式测定
contactless pickup 无触点传感器
contactless switch 无触点开关
contactor 接触器
contactor servomechanism 接点式伺服机构
contactor starter 接触起动器
contamination 污染
contamination hazard 污染危险
contamination monitor 污染监测仪
content 内容;含量
content addressed storage 相联存储器
contention mode 争用状态
context free grammar 上下文无关文法
context free language 上下文无关语言
contextual declaration 上下文说明
continuation card 连续卡片
continuation line 连续行
continued discharge 连续放电
continuity of power supply 电力供应连续性
continuity test 连续性试验
continuity tester 断路探查试验器
continuous absorption 连续吸收
continuous action 连续动作
continuous analyzer 连续分析器
continuous approximation 连续近似
continuous beam 连续梁
continuous component 固定分量
continuous control 连续控制
continuous control action 连续控制动作
continuous control system 连续控制系统
continuous curve distance time protection 平滑时限特性距离保护装置