coke 焦炭
cold emission 冷阴极放射
cold junction 冷接点
cold reserve 冷态备用
cold resistance 抗寒性
cold rolled silicon steel plate 冷轧硅钢板
cold start lamp 冷起动灯
cold storage 冷藏库
collapse of frequency 频率崩溃
collapse of voltage 电压崩溃
collating sequence 排序序列
collation 校对
collecting bow 弓形集电器
collective lighting 集中供电照明
collector 集电极
collector ring 集电环
collector saturation current 集电极饱和电流
collector saturation voltage 集电极饱和电压
collector series resistance 集电极串联电阻
collector shoe 集电靴
collector slipper 集电靴
collector to base capacitance 集电极 基极电容
collector to emitter conductance 集电极 发射极电导
collision density 碰撞密度
colloidal graphite 胶体石墨
color light signal 色灯信号机
color lighting 彩色照明
color position signal 彩色位置信号
color sensitivity 感色灵敏度
color temperature 色温度
color thermometer 色温度计
colored filter 滤色器
colored lamp 有色灯
colorimeter 比色计
colorimetry 比色法
column vector 列向量
comb filter 梳状滤波器
combination control 综合控制
combination control system 综合控制系统
combinational circuit 组合电路
combined current and potential transformer 电涟电压互感器
combined efficiency 综合效率
combined error 组合误差
combined heat and power plant 综合供热供电发电厂
combined mechanical and electrical strength 机电综合强度
combined nonlinearity 复合非线性
combined resistance 合成电阻
combined tariff system 综合收费制
coming into step 进入同步
command 指令
command device 指令装置
command processing 指令处理
command processor 指令处理程序
command pulse 指令脉冲
command quantity 指令变量
command register 指令寄存器
command signal 指令信号
command variable 指令变量
commencement 开始
comment statement 注解语句
commercial test 工业试验
commissioning 投入运行
common block 公用块
common branch 公共支路
common return 公共回线
communication 通信
communication channel 通信电路
commutate 整流换向
commutating coil 整吝圈
commutating field 整僚场
commutating period 整淋期
commutating pole 附加磁极
commutating winding 换向绕组
commutating zone 整柳
commutation 整流换向
commutation board 换向盘
commutation coefficient 整恋数
commutation process 整笼程
commutator 换向器
commutator bar 整连
commutator brush 换向歧刷
commutator generator 整劣发电机
commutator losses 换向起耗
commutator lug 换向篇接片
commutator motor 整羚动机
commutator pitch 换向期距
commutator ring 换向品
commutator ripples 整哩纹电压
commutator riser 换向篇接片
commutator segment 整连
commutator shell 换向谱筒
commutator sleeve 换向谱筒
commutator type frequency converter 整劣式变频机
commutatorless motor 无换向平电动机
comparator 比较器
comparison circuit 比较电路
comparison element 比较要素
comparison lamp 比较灯
comparison method 比较法
comparison resistance 比较电阻
compass 磁罗盘
compatibility 并存性
compensated amplifier 补偿放大器
compensated induction motor 补偿感应电动机
compensated ionization chamber 补偿式电离箱
compensated motor 补偿电动机
compensated repulsion motor 补偿推斥电动机
compensated series motor 补偿串绕电动机
compensating capacitor 补偿电容器
compensating charge 补偿充电
compensating coil 补偿线圈
compensating conductor 补偿导体
compensating current 补偿电流
compensating device 补偿装置
compensating element 补偿元件
compensating feedback 补偿反馈
compensating field 补偿场
compensating magnet 补偿磁铁
compensating network 补偿网络
compensating pole 补偿极
compensating reactor 补偿电抗器
compensating resistance 补偿电阻
compensating shunt 补偿式分流
compensating torque 补偿转矩
compensating universal shunt 补偿式通用分流
compensating voltage 补偿电压
compensating winding 补偿绕组
compensation lead wire 补偿导线
compensation magnetometer 补偿磁力计
compensation method 补偿法
compensation theorem 补偿定理
compensator 补偿器
compilation 编
compiler 编程序
compiler generator 编程序用编制程序
compiler language 编程序语言
compiler program 编程序
compiler routine method 编程序法
complementary metal oxide semiconductor 互补金属氧化物半导体
complementary mos transister 互补 mos 晶体管
complementary operation 求补运算
complementary symmetry amplifier 对称互补放大器
complementary transistor 互补晶体管
complementary transistor logic 互补晶体管逻辑
complete fourier series 完全傅立叶级数
complete modulation 全灯
complete resonance 完全共振