clock 记时器
clock drive 时钟激励
clock frequency 时钟频率
clock meter 钟表式计数器
clock pulse 时钟脉冲
clock pulse generator 时间 脉冲发生器
clock rate 时钟速率
clock track 时钟脉冲道
clockwise rotation 顺时针向转动
clockwork 时钟机构
close coupling 强耦合
closed armoring 叠盖铠装
closed circuit 闭路
closed coil armature winding 闭圈式电枢绕组
closed curve 闭图
closed loop 闭合回线
closed loop control 闭合环路控制
closed loop control system 闭合环路式控制系统
closed loop gain 闭环增益
closed loop optimum pulse system 闭环最佳脉冲系统
closed loop system 闭环系统
closed loop transfer function 闭环传递函数
closed magnetic circuit 闭合磁路
closed oscillation circuit 闭合振荡电路
closed slot 闭合槽
closed subroutine 闭型子程序
closed system 闭系统
closeness of winding 绕组紧密度
closing by hand 手动合闸
closing coil 闭合线圈
closing contact 闭合触点
closing electromagnet 合闸电磁铁
closing operating time 合闸操妆间
closing operation 合闸操作
closing pulse 合闸脉冲
closing speed 合闸速度
closing switch 闸刀开关
closing time 合闸时间
cloud chamber 云室
clutch 联轴器
clutch electromagnet 啮合电磁铁
clutch moter 带离合歧动机
clutch servo 离合婆服
clydonograph 过电压摄测仪
cmos transistor 互补 mos 晶体管
co ordination of insulation 绝缘配合
coagulation 凝固
coal 煤
coal breaker 碎煤机
coal bunker 煤斗
coal consumption 耗煤量
coal conveyor 运煤机
coal crusher 碎煤机
coal drier 煤干燥器
coal dust 煤粉
coal gas 煤气
coal washer 洗煤机
coal yard 煤场
coalite 半焦炭
coanda effect 期效应
coarse adjustment 粗调
coarse control 粗调
coarse control rod 粗掉
coarse reading 粗读数
coarse synchronizing 粗同步
coarse tuning 粗党
coasting 惰行
coasting method 惰行法
coated electrode 敷料焊条
coating 复盖层;涂层
coaxial 同轴的
coaxial cable 同轴电缆
coaxial conductor 同轴导线
coaxial feeder 同轴传输线
coaxial line 同轴线
coaxial transmission line 同轴传输线
coaxial wavemeter 同轴波长计
cobalt ferrite 铁酸钴
cock 龙头
code 代码
code combination 代码组合
code conversion 代码转换
code converter 代码转换器
code element 电码单元
code extension character 代码扩充字符
code modulation 编码灯
code point 码点
code signal 编码信号
code transformation 代码转换
code translator 代码转换器码器
code transmission 符号传输
coded identification 符号辨识
coded program 编码程序
coding 编码
coefficient 系数
coefficient of capacity 电容系数
coefficient of conductivity 传导系数
coefficient of correlation 相关系数
coefficient of coupling 耦合系数
coefficient of cubic expansion 体积膨胀系数
coefficient of friction 摩擦系数
coefficient of grounding 接地系数
coefficient of heat transfer 传热系数
coefficient of induction 诱导系数
coefficient of linear expansion 线膨胀系数
coefficient of magnetic dispersion 漏磁系数
coefficient of magnetization 磁化系数
coefficient of mutual induction 互感系数
coefficient of potential 电位系数
coefficient of proportionality 比例系数
coefficient of resistance 电阻系数
coefficient of self induction 自感系数
coefficient of thermal expansion 热膨胀系数
coefficient of utilization 利用系数
coefficient of viscosity 粘性系数
coercive field strength 矫顽磁场强度
coercive force 矫顽磁力
coercivity 矫顽性
coherent oscillator 相干振荡器
coil 线圈
coil dissipation 线圈耗散
coil end 线圈端部
coil end leakage 线圈端漏磁
coil former 线圈架
coil inductance 线圈电感
coil insulation 线圈绝缘
coil pitch 线圈节距
coil q factor 线圈品质因数
coil resistance 线圈电阻
coil section 线圈段
coil shape factor 线圈形状系数
coil side 线圈边
coil span 线圈节距
coil terminals 线圈端子
coil to coil insulation 线圈间绝缘
coil turn counter 线圈圈数计数器
coil winding 圈式绕组
coil winding machine 绕线机
coiled coil filament 盘绕线圈式灯丝
coiled coil lamp 迭簧丝灯泡
coiler 绕线机
coiling 绕
coincidence 符合
coincidence amplifier 重合放大器
coincidence circuit 重合电路
coincidence counter 符合计数管
coincidence counting 符合计数
coincidence factor 同时最大需用率
coincident current selection 电霖合选择