GossipGirl第三季学英语3.09 舞会纷争
She's at the tipping point.
tipping point 骤变点
貌似是一个物理上的概念,ok,柒物理狠差,尝试着解释下。就是物质从稳定的量变阶段,骤然质变到另一个与之前截然不同的阶段。就像划火柴的过程中,火柴尖尖儿上一直在升温,直到达到一定温度也就是tippng point的时候它就点燃了。
You've stepped on Eric's toes one too many times.
step on someone's toes 伤感情 to offend or insult someone, as if causing physical pain.
She can't get away with this.
get away with something 不受惩罚 to do something and not get punished for it
所谓的get away其实是指逃脱应有的报应。
toodles 回见
If the realm falls into the wrong hands, it's on your head.
fall into the wrong hands 落入不恰当人之手 to become associated with the wrong person; to become the possession of the wrong person
on your head 由你负责
none of her minions, mentors or friends want to put Jenny together again.
put together 整理 to consider some facts and arrive at a conclusion.
nobody puts Jenny in the corner,
I didn't see that one coming.
Well, I learned from the best.
learn from the best 名师出高徒
you've sunk to Jenny's level.
sink to 堕落到
And I promise to never cross that line. We're both adults. We'll just agree to keep things friendly and professional.
为嘛……cross the line和friendly and professional总是紧密地联系在一起……
You better get your beauty rest now
beauty rest 美容觉