1.Jenny, please let me go through this closet.
go through 仔细检查(To examine carefully)
2.You can turn away the tasteless tourists in fanny packs.
turn away 撵走
fanny pack就是指游客跨在腰间的腰包,fanny是美国的一个俚语,表示臀部。
3.I've been on edge lately.
on edge 紧张,急切
4.So you really think the sight of Olivia in fake fangs reciting stilted dialogue is gonna be a deal breaker,
deal breaker 扫兴的事儿,会坏事儿的(any issue or factor that is significant enough to terminate a negotiation, esp. in business or politics)
这个本来是商务用语,现在也发展到口语中来了,用来表示会坏事儿的。也可以说He's a deal breaker,意思是这个人是个扫把星。
5. Patrick is on the road to Mark Hamill-hood.
Mark Hamill是出演过《星球大战》的一位著名演员。
6.Not dating olivia is the nail in patrick's culturally relevant coffin.
7.You look queen-tastic.
queen-tastic = queen + fantastic 很女王
8.I'm pretty sure that's green screen.
green screen 特效
因为做电影特效都是在后面扯一块绿屏以便后期加上特效画面,所以green screen就是特效的代名词儿了。顺便说blue screen是什么的代名词呢?蓝屏电脑报错么?蓝瓶的钙,好喝的钙~~(just kidding~~:D)
9.Not bad, but it's prohibition, not "last of the mohicans."
ratted me out to our parents,
rat out 出卖
11.I knew he would come to his senses.
come to one's senses 想明白了,觉悟了(to regain one's good judgment or realistic point of view; become reasonable)
12.Before they get mug shots or tmz videos.
mug shot 嫌疑犯照片,班房照
那种被逮捕后正面一张,侧面一张的就叫mug shot了;而所谓tmz视频,则是指著名明星八卦站点的八卦视频。
13.Lady Gaga forgot to change her hair when she came back as Taylor Swift.
万圣节参加派对,外出索要糖果之类的,不单单可以打扮成妖魔鬼怪,还可以打扮成名人。这边的Lady Gaga和Taylor Swift都是当今乐坛大红人,前者以雷人扮相著称,而后者则是健康向上的乡村创作小才女。
14.All right, but I draw the line at door-to-door.
door to door 挨家挨户的(Calling at each house, apartment, store, etc. in an area)
15.Looks like your work troubles have just turned into a labor of love.
labor of love 心甘情愿做的工作(productive work performed voluntarily without material reward or compensation)
16.I wanted to call it off...
call off 放弃,取消
17.I have a full-blown rebellion on my hands.
full-blown 发展成熟的,巅峰的(Having or displaying all the characteristics necessary for completeness)
举例:a full-blown financial crisis. 处在顶峰的经济危机